Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Research Paper Topics For Business Ethics - A Few Things to Consider

Research Paper Topics For Business Ethics - A Few Things to ConsiderWhile a few people have a reasonable thought of what research paper subjects for business morals involve, not many truly comprehend what they include. There are a couple of essential ideas you ought to be acquainted with. Research points for business morals may not appear to have a lot of pertinence in the field of business, yet there is in reality a great deal to them, and they can really furnish you with a mind boggling training on the subject.In this respect, you should consider the idea of your vocation. You will most likely need to go into one of the less regarded and less experienced enterprises in the economy, for example, account or some other mechanical base. You can take a gander at how others have figured out how to do it, regardless of whether they were straightforwardly utilizing staff and how their vocations created. In that manner, you can get a smart thought of what you are getting into.The next piece of your examination paper points for business morals may include picking which explicit zone you need to concentrate on. Maybe you will need to take a gander at how organizations have taken care of circumstances with HR, and you need to investigate the implications for their business. You would then be able to utilize those discoveries as you take a gander at morals and corporate governance.Ethics and corporate administration are likewise significant themes in the realm of business and financial matters, and they are significant in the entire universe of business. You will need to take a gander at how they vary, and what them two bring to the table the universe of business. The fields of the executives and financial aspects are interconnected with each other, so you have to take a gander at the two fields at any rate in some detail.After picking what you are keen on doing, the following piece of your exploration paper subjects for business morals includes the examination itself. At the point when you start your examination, you have to investigate the territories you need to take a gander at, what sorts of things you have to take a gander at, and what sort of individuals will have the option to assist you with your exploration. If you don't have the foggiest idea where to start, you can contact an expert who can assist you with getting started.Once you have finished your examination, you should consider some fundamental rules that will furnish you with the establishment from which you can fabricate your exploration. These will incorporate the duties of organizations and the obligations of representatives, what organization and government need to state about their morals and what can happen when they neglect to do as such, and what open positions an organization needs to manage when they are performing ineffectively. You will likewise need to consider what is anticipated from organizations, and what explicit activities organizations are under, should they negl ect to meet these expectations.For any sort of work that manages morals, a significant angle is the advertising perspective. On the off chance that your examination neglects to go on to the following level and has no effect at all, you will have only an exploration paper theme for business morals that come up short on any sort of effect.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay on The Debate about Honoring Christopher Columbus

Thru history studies in grade school and secondary school students are taught of the great explorer who discovered America, Christopher Columbus. Tales of his many voyages and the names of his ships the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria are engrained into the minds of children through rhyme and song. For many years the history written in text books have been regard as fact however information provided by Howard Zinn excerpt has shed new light on the shadowy past of Christopher Columbus. In recent history, Christopher Columbus has been regarded as a great explorer renowned for his numerous discoveries. For instance a holiday is celebrated; the second week of October, in honor of the day Christopher Columbus discovered America. The holiday is†¦show more content†¦Previously, the voyages of the Spainards have been described as explorations to prove the world was round. When the Spaniards discovered the Bahamas they encounter the primitive Arawak people. Christopher Columbus recognize the indigenous people were naà ¯ve and easily controllable. Men were forced to work in inhumane and treacherous conditions while they labored for months in the mines. It became evident the Spaniards were in search of gold but only trace amounts could be found in the region. Christopher Columbus began to enslave the indigenous people and shipped many out to be sold as slaves in Spain. The Arawak people tried to defend themselves only to endure greater torture at the hands of the Spaniards. The impact on the people in the region is great. In Howard Zinn excerpt he states â€Å"In two years, through murder, mutilation, or suicide, half of the 250,000 Indians on Haiti were dead â€Å". The Spaniards pushed the Arawark and other tribes to near extinction driving down population to below two thousand in some areas. Howard Zinn provides a chilling account of the hardships the Arawak people faced when he presents passages from Bartolome de las Casas’ book History of the Indies. As young priest, Bartolome de las Casas, took part in the conquering of Cuba and describe the events he witnessed. The heinous acts inflected by the Spaniards included killings, mangling, and the brutalization of the indigenous people. The harsh treatment of men,Show MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 PagesUniversity of Colorado at Denver; Dean J. Nelson, Dutchess Community College; James E. Parejko, Chicago State University; Robert Sessions, Kirkwood Community College; and Stephanie Tucker, California State University Sacramento. Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wifeRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesUniversity Jeffrey A. Hoffer School of Business Administration, The University of Dayton E. Wainright Martin Kelley School of Business, Indiana University William C. Perkins Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What Sample Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle Schools Is - and What it Is Not

<h1>What Sample Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle Schools Is - and What it Is Not </h1> <h2> The Pain of Sample Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle Schools</h2> <p>Then it is reasonable to create a framework in light of the fact that in such a manner you aren't probably going to bewilder yourself and get befuddled in your musings. Just once you know everything about, will have the option to bring a decided position and produce thoughts to help it. For instance, suppose you choose the absolute first theme from our rundown. Make your own example of overcoming adversity now! </p> <p>There may be various outcomes and reasons for episodes and in the event that you ought to incorporate all them, the article looses its essential objective of persuading or contending and it will get a decent arrangement of data set up which intrigues no perusers. A proposition explanation tells the foremost thought of the paper and is for the most part placed in the presentation. In the occasion you need your tweaked circumstances and logical results paper achieved by a non-local English speaker, you will create that choice and we'll give you an author best suits your composing needs. With our article help you might be sure no one will show signs of improvement mark for the work than you. </p> <p>A circumstances and logical results article is the kind of paper that the essayist is utilizing to break down the circumstances and end results of a particular activity or occasion. In the last passage, the creator ought to quickly return over the key circumstances and e nd results examined. </p> <p>There is nevertheless one reason, yet there are a few outcomes. You may not end up utilizing all the circumstances and end results recorded in your graph. Since you may see, characterizing a few circumstances and end results furnishes you with various conceivable paper themes. It is urgent to assess circumstances and end results of greenwashing as a sort of tricky advertising. </p> <p>The body of the paper should focus on building up every single one of the circumstances and end results named in the proposition proclamation in an indistinguishable request they are recorded there. In spite of the fact that you can focus on a solitary circumstances and logical results, much of the time you may find that a solitary reason creates numerous outcomes or that one impact is the result of different disconnected causes. Extensively, there are 3 types of circumstances and logical results articles. There are 3 sorts of circumstances and logical results articles which can be composed, however they're all fundamentally the same as in composed structure. </p> <p>Finally, it's important to focus on the accomplishments of the war on fear, for example, anticipation of development of the most critical psychological oppressor bunches on earth and joining the country in the usa. The third wellspring of harassing is deficient perception and need compassion. A short time later, you need to clarify the variables for which you bolster that side. The term psychological oppression has come to be the premise of dread and misfortune over the past a very long while. </p> <p>Then you need to make sense of how you can better your exposition to accomplish your mentors principles. A contentious exposition is a kind of scholarly papers that understudies write in the middle school. Scholastic paper composing requires not only an understudy's ability to exhibit the amount of information, yet to focus on his emotions and contemplations. Try not to be reluctant to connect with our Essay Writing Service and master paper journalists will readily help you with your assignment.</p> <p>Even if it's a school task it's as yet a craftsmanship. Once in a while understudies aren't given points for their exposition and are required to pick a subject for themselves. Such understudies may likewise exploit our model article database to discover content for composing their papers. Different understudies require model articles since they don't know of the reasonable structure to use for their exposition assignments. </p> <p>There's, normally, a breaking point on the scope of pages even our best authors can deliver with a squeezing cutoff time, yet as a rule, we make sense of how to fulfill all the customers looking for dire help. Specific computer games can be viewed as parts of craftsmanship. You won't ever find your paper on the web or offered to different customers. In the event that you're thinking about how, here's a list.</p> <p>Cause and impact exposition points are believed to be an easy staff, yet they should be appealing. Circumstanc es and logical results exposition have a great deal of sub-types. All the more frequently you'll need to choose your own circumstances and logical results paper point. There are a couple of incredible subjects to consider while choosing point for your pugnacious exposition. </p> <p>You additionally need to directly down the related effects of the factor, assuming any. One of the absolute first things to consider is the thing that kind of article you will compose. There are specific basic viewpoints that point to the gauge and estimation of the expositions. The elements for and potential effects of AI. </p>

Friday, May 22, 2020

Aviation Shipping Papers - All About Them

<h1>Aviation Shipping Papers - All About Them</h1><p>The reason for plane delivery papers is to shield the plane from harm during transport. It is essential to know this in light of the fact that there are various things that can harm or bomb the plane, for example, electrical floods, electromagnetic waves, salt water, climate conditions, etc.</p><p></p><p>For planes this is one of the most significant advances that must be taken on the grounds that pilots will utilize this paper during each flight. Along these lines, it is basic that the avionics dispatching papers meet all the security necessities and particulars before it will be utilized. This is significant particularly in a cutting edge when there are various makers who have some expertise in creating this sort of papers.</p><p></p><p>Since there are such a large number of sorts of airplane transporting papers accessible, it is essential to realize what they all are and which one is most appropriate for your necessities. Obviously, there are various kinds of papers. These incorporate airplane paper, trailer papers, and container papers. Every sort of paper is utilized for explicit reasons and they are additionally ordered by how they are used.</p><p></p><p>These paper types must consent to government guidelines and guidelines. The Federal Aviation Administration sets the prerequisites and guidelines to guarantee the wellbeing of the individuals who will be flying the plane. This is the reason it is imperative to check the transportation papers before buying them.</p><p></p><p>Aircraft paper is utilized to shield the papers from extraordinary climate and gives a defensive covering. They are likewise used to secure the battery terminals during establishment. In case of a force disappointment, it will give a pad against the stun of unexpected force misfortune. They additionally quit lightning str ike to the moving airplane.</p><p></p><p>Trailer papers are utilized to secure the stuff and pilot supplies while they are being shipped on the plane. They are a similar kind of paper utilized in business delivering. Note that airplane delivering papers and trailers don't cover in any capacity. In the event that there is any cover as far as size, it is to be seen immediately.</p><p></p><p>Hopper papers are fundamentally the same as plane delivery papers aside from that it is utilized for the container. This is significant for the individuals who will convey the substance from the holder to the plane. It additionally forestalls dampness and consumption on the electronic parts. Air payload delivering papers are for air load as it were. They should just be utilized by the experts who have confirmation in this field.</p><p></p><p>As you can see, flight paper and trailer papers are significant and must agree to all t he guidelines. There are other paper types that must likewise be followed, however these are the most generally utilized and the most regularly accessible. These papers must meet all the necessary details and ought to be dispatched according to government laws. This is the thing that makes the avionics dispatching papers so important.</p>

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Key to Successful Post Mba Goal Essay Samples

<h1> The Key to Successful Post Mba Goal Essay Samples </h1> <h2>What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Post Mba Goal Essay Samples </h2> <p>Before talking about why you wish to go to a given school, you need to do some examination. With a reasonable counseling organization, you will be ready to get help making the perfect article for every school you apply to, along with get the meeting assist you with planning. Inn, it's amazingly noteworthy part the appropriate response profession destinations. In case you're making a tremendous profession progress, it is vital that you recognize it. </p> <p>If you succeed, you will most likely expand your chances of being acknowledged by outstanding amongst other independent company schools. My drawn out vocation objective is to build up a vitality producing plant in India creating vitality from civil waste. Assuming there is any chance of this happening, distinguish certain jobs, organizations, enterprises, and areas which are a best counterpart for you connecting with the individuals who have gone down a comparable vocation way to the one you're keen on would assist you with choosing if that particular track and the everyday real factors they experience coordinate by methods for your vision. You should inspect specialized capacities, systematic capacities, center zones, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. </p> <p>MBA adcoms wish to understand that you have a specific heading at the top of the priority list and that you have legitimate explanations behind your decisions. For example, in the event that you have pioneering plans you are likely energetic about structure a business or your one of a kind private venture thought. In this manner, when you expound on objectives, a general dependable guideline to remember is that being too broad is quite often a horrendous thing. Another sort of dread is the dread of succeeding. </p> <p>In the past section, don't give new data, yet what you need to do is to summarize what you've examined. What you ought to do is to investigate the subject. Understudies regularly continue talking about what all they wish to do and end up giving an over the top measure of data, which is bad.</p> <p>After all, with no sort of MBA application help, you may feel simply like you're swimming in an unending ocean of article points and individuals endeavoring to illuminate you the best approach to apply. There are various approaches to secure new subtleties. Understudies have troublesome time recorded as a hard copy since they start late and they need more insights concerning the inquiry. </p> <h2> Whatever They Told You About Post Mba Goal Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why </h2> <p>The absolute first segment of making this sort of contention is regularly building up that we tend to think about and feel for various people. Venture back and investigate what you've said from another person's position. Something else to recollect about presumptions is that the quantity of suspicions you're in a situation to make depends in enormous part on the degree and span of your paper. The past choice, an individual objective I wish to achieve is the sole alternative that confines you to an individual response. </p> <h2> Finding the Best Post Mba Goal Essay Samples </h2> <p>1 successful technique to begin a MBA profession objectives article is to begin with a completely clear outline of present moment and long haul vocation targets. Before you may discuss your objectives, you must comprehend where you're currently thus does the adcom. Presently you have truly characterized your objective you're set up to go. You may wind up befuddled in articulating vocation goals. </p> <h2> Finding Post Mba Goal Essay Samples on the Web</h2> <p>The proposal of an article is put at the end of the presentation. There are loads of credits to a prevalent article proposal. You should make your article individual. Eventually, verify you form a paper that is clear and easy to peruse. </p> <p>Students make some trying memories recorded as a hard copy in the event that they don't have a draft or diagram to follow. MBA papers can be hard to compose, however they are among the principle segments of the MBA application practice. Composing a MBA exposition is a difficult errand since you should cover numerous things and you should verify that you form the absolute best. </p> <p>A extraordinary article ought to have fundamental focuses. An amazing proposition will in this manner can deliver the distinction between an incredible article and an awful one. At that point the absolute best methodology is place a solicitation I should obtain article papers composed. The best decision is to look for exhortation from a paper master from one of the various composing administrations which furnish understudies help with their article composing. </p> <p>Your composing must be brief and compact. The expense of a paper relies on the amount of exertion the essayist needs to apply. Each article composing task needs a predominant proposal. Also, the second the peruser is pre arranged to the essential topic and the course of the paper, they will be ready to tail it accurately. </p>

Amcas Application Essay Sample - What Is An IIR?

<h1>Amcas Application Essay Sample - What Is An IIR?</h1><p>Amcas Application Essay Sample - a short manual for Amcas on the off chance that you are applying for another job. The terms Amcas and IIR might be somewhat new to a few. Be that as it may, it's the ideal opportunity for you to learn and for your profile to stand apart from the group. A decent IIR, or application exposition, will separate you and make a genuine effect on your application.</p><p></p><p>In request to prevail in this article, I will experience a case of an application paper. I'm demonstrating what a total application may resemble. How might you get your profile on your CV to stick out and make the effect you need? This is a significant inquiry and one you should pose to yourself before you start composing an application essay.</p><p></p><p>Your IIR Amcas application will have three primary areas; the rundown segment, the contact segment and the c andidate profile segment. These three areas are significant on the grounds that they permit you to separate your profile from the group and assist you with standing apart from the group. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you don't have a clue where to begin, or you're uncertain of what each segment involves, it very well may be hard to see how each area identifies with the other.</p><p></p><p>The second thing to mull over is the arrangement of your IIR. In a perfect world, you should choose an arrangement that will make your IIR and application exposition peruser inviting. This implies picking a configuration that is anything but difficult to peruse and see where your data is heading.</p><p></p><p>If you believe you are a decent author and you are not kidding about your IIR application, it might be a great opportunity to do some examination on the different IIR organizes and pick one that is progressively reasonable to your necessiti es. You may locate that most IIR instruments have the alternative of pre-composing your IIR utilizing an arrangement that is progressively fit to your style. Be that as it may, in case you're uncertain which sort of arrangement is best for you or how to make your own, at that point you can generally get your IIR programming to help you in this issue. There are a wide range of sorts of organization to look over, so do your examination and see what kind of arrangement works best for you.</p><p></p><p>Now that you have done some exploration and you comprehend what sort of configuration is best for you, it's a great opportunity to move onto the various parts of your IIR. Each piece of your IIR ought to be organized suitably. You need your IRI to stand apart from the group, and each piece of your IIR ought to be composed cautiously and properly.</p><p></p><p>The next area of your IIR ought to be the candidate profile. Your candidate profile is the most significant piece of your IIR, so ensure it is all around organized and precise. Ensure it isn't just syntactically right, yet that it likewise says something about you as an expert and as a person.</p><p></p><p>Remember that your profile ought to represent you and ought to have all that you have to hang out in the correct profile. In the event that you fill in a profile that isn't consistent with what your identity is, at that point it will fall off bogus and not reflect you appropriately. Ensure your profile addresses the peruser and makes them need to get familiar with you.</p>

Senior Essay on College Students - A Basic Introduction

<h1>Senior Essay on College Students - A Basic Introduction</h1><p>Senior Essay on College Students is an incredible English seminar on the most proficient method to disclose things to understudies. Its will likely show understudies how to comprehend the world and addition a comprehension of their reality. In the Senior Essay on College Students, understudies will figure out how to think, to take care of issues, and to concoct innovative solutions.</p><p></p><p>This English course is only one of the various courses offered at Wesleyan University, which offers classes in excess of sixty unique offices. Numerous understudies need to take courses that can assist them with advancing their instruction while improving their English skills.</p><p></p><p>Some of the courses remember Shakespeare for Context, Breadth of Inquiry, Metaphysics, Argumentative Writing, Diversity in Public Life, Women in America and furthermore a few courses in Behavioral Science. There are a wide range of courses in English and coming up next are the ones regularly taken: Poetry, Business Writing, Fiction, History, Philosophy, The American Language, Creative Writing, Business and Management, Drama, Communication Arts, Drama, Religion, Media Arts, Women's Studies, and even Mathematics. The online menior paper on understudies will assist you with picking the one that best accommodates your inclinations and the degree that you are working towards.</p><p></p><p>First of all, you ought to become familiar with the fundamental ideas of English composition, for example, arrangement, sentence structure, and accentuation. You will have the option to start composing your article rapidly. The following stage is to choose the sort obviously that will suit your inclinations and goals.</p><p></p><p>Make sure that the course you pick will lead you to accomplish the degree of information you need in English. While taking English courses, you ought to likewise take a class that shows the language well indeed, with the goal that you can write in the language without any problem. A course in experimental writing news would give you an imaginative outlet that will assist you with composing something about what you discover essential to you.</p><p></p><p>What you should not do is skirt English, since the language will help you in practically every part of your life. When composing articles for school, you have to understand that your perusers are going to understand it and afterward pose inquiries. For this situation, utilizing words in the correct way is essential.</p><p></p><p>Some of the other English courses that are offered at Wesleyan incorporate Poetry, Drama, Philosophy, American Culture, History, Communication Arts, Literature, History, American Culture, Women's Studies, Ethnic Studies, Regional and Minority studies, Public and Comparative Writing, and Literature and Drama. Regardless of what course you need to take, a great English course is the way to progress. On the off chance that you pick the correct one, you will have the option to tackle your issues quicker and have the option to discuss better with your readers.</p>

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Bizarre Secret of Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases

<h1> The Bizarre Secret of Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases </h1> <p>While it is anything but difficult to buy examine papers on the web, it is significant that you understand that you should just arrangement with confided in organizations. It's undeniable for understudies to think that its extreme to create an examination paper, particularly considering the scope of various assignments and tests they should attempt. A wonderful research proposal is clear and explicit. The most reasonable research postulation is conceivably the one most significant component of a flourishing exploration paper. </p> <p>You will initially should locate a right subject to make your paper. How you develop your paper will rely upon what kind of research proposition you've presented. Composing an exploration paper can be a scary errand. In the event that you've come this far and aren't sure you're keen on buying an example investigate paper, that is okay. </p> < p>The peruser is given a chance to comprehend information through visual substance. The information ought to be spared in the legitimate manner as an approach to be found without any problem. In the event that you might want to look into a particular subject or individual of more than 1 word, use statements to deliver the database do an expression search. Whenever alluded to on the net, it would be ideal if you give a URL to this site. </p> <h2> The Ultimate Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases Trick</h2> <p>Data sharing Which clearly inspects the opportunity of various clients having the ability to get to the information all the while Reliability The security of the information in case of programming or equipment breakdown. The Database bunch has a broad custom of building frameworks as a bit of our exploration. Databases are utilized in a scope of businesses, explicitly talking in medicinal services. Database the board frameworks should deliver the act of data stockpiling, handling and recovering simpler and advantageous for every client. </p> <h2> Getting the Best Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases</h2> <p>The cost of an exposition relies on the amount of exertion the author needs to apply. We have had the option to stay on the composing calling as a result of our accentuation on utilizing great journalists who give the best conceivable hand crafted papers they can. For instance, you can view the essayist's past attempts to have the option to be sure that this particular author is the one you wish to take a shot at your undertaking. Our authors don't set you in a tough situation and handle everything from starting to complete totally freely. </p> <p>Your author will connect with you and respond to your messages to ensure you have a common appreciation of your request's particular prerequisites and objectives. So as to complete a fantastic research proposition which may meet the entirety of the instructor's prerequisites an understudy ought to present an application for the composing help with the internet and discover how a flourishing paper takes after. To put it in an unexpected way, Master's and Ph.d. understudies may likewise download thoroughly free papers without expecting to follow through on a cost. </p> <h2> The Pain of Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases </h2> <p>Since databases convey amazing quest instruments for narrowing outcomes, clients are in a situation to all the more rapidly find the data that they need. Every database offers access to a few diaries, magazines, papers. Along these lines, a social database will have connection called STUDENT, with tuples that contain data on each STUDENT. These databases were chosen not only for their availablity to the general open yet what's more because of their wide intrigue and degree, and access to full-content assets. </p> <p>In reality, an entire industry exists only for this need and a few understudies have remained to pick up from the amazing administrations gave around here. On the off chance that you discovered our site, chances are acceptable you additionally have discovered a decent arrangement of comparative destinations offering at least one administrations fundamentally the same as our own. The issue of purchaser relationship the board is firmly associated with database the executives, in light of the fact that a brilliant agent keeps and focuses on the data in regards to his clients, their inclinations and endeavors to keep them intrigued and satisfied with the action of the business. </p> <p>Along with portraying the targets and techniques you'll wish to think about, we moreov er have some convenient assets we think you'll find valuable in accomplishing your points. It remembers extensive and much of the time exhaustive data for a very wide assortment of subjects. You're looking into a current issue, so you likely needn't bother with any materials which are more than 5-8 years of age. It is, however, a profoundly handy research database for scholastics in a scope of orders. </p> <h2>Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Research Papers of Topic D4m Databases </h2> <p>Pay a visit to our site and you'll find a great deal of supportive data about the manner in which we work. He reminds watchers that anyone can make a website page, regardless of whether they're a subject master or not, and no one is policing the web. The point of developing exploration papers you require online will help spare you heaps of time and guarantee it is practical for you to be engaged with your center exercises. </p>

How to Make an Online Presentation

<h1>How to Make an Online Presentation</h1><p>If you need to figure out how to make an online introduction, you have gone to the ideal spot. Figuring out how to introduce your thoughts isn't equivalent to realizing how to spell, on the grounds that both of these aptitudes can be learned by any individual who focuses on it. Before you can figure out how to make an online introduction, be that as it may, you have to figure out how to assemble the materials you will require. The following are some useful hints for showing yourself how to do this.</p><p></p><p>You will require the accompanying four fundamental instruments for making an introduction: paper, a PC, programming, and ink. There are numerous online projects that you can use to assist you with making your introduction. Probably the best are PowerPoint, Keynote, or Wondershare, to name a few.</p><p></p><p>One of the main things you should do before you start your introduction is to design out your focuses. At the point when you take the entirety of your notes and snippets of data that will make up your introduction, you will have the option to compose them and make a consistent way to get from guide A toward point B. At the point when you recognize what you are going to discuss, you will likewise realize how to structure your words and sentences, with the goal that you will have the option to effectively pass on your plans to the audience.</p><p></p><p>Another essential advance in your figuring out how to make an online introduction is to set up your introduction design. In spite of the fact that you may not realize what a decent design resembles, there are numerous useful sites where you can figure out how to make an introduction look proficient. When you realize what to do, you would then be able to begin arranging out the subtleties of your presentation.</p><p></p><p>Answering an inquiry is an extraordinary method to start your introduction. You can pose an inquiry toward the start of your introduction or you can pose it after an inquiry or point has been secured. When you have secured your theme or inquiry, you can pose an inquiry that is identified with your point, or you can pose an inquiry that is straightforwardly identified with your subject. In any case, responding to inquiries during your introduction is consistently important.</p><p></p><p>Although you may feel like you definitely have a universal knowledge of introducing, you will find that it assists with getting some information about the keys to introducing your key focuses. Systems administration with others will permit you to discover what works and what doesn't. Systems administration will likewise permit you to figure out how to keep your crowd on subject and keep your crowd locked in. You will before long find that posing inquiries at systems administration occasions will assis t you with figuring out how to make an online presentation.</p><p></p><p>Finally, when you are hoping to figure out how to make an online introduction, recollect that the completed item won't resemble the completed item. It is essential to not permit yourself to become overpowered by your musings and thoughts. Ensure that you are in the zone during your introduction. So as to figure out how to make an online introduction, you should discover an opportunity to plunk down and concentrate on your introduction and record the key points.</p><p></p><p>Do not invest the entirety of your energy arranging your introduction. Ensure that you record the key focuses and make notes, however just invest energy recording the key focuses. Practice your introduction time once more, and you will before long discover how to make an online introduction that will cause your crowd to feel like they got the data that they were looking for.</p>

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Angel Gabriel Looks At Mariana And Not Mary - 2387 Words

What is more interesting is that Angel Gabriel looks at Mariana and not Mary in the painting which suggests a hope, she wants her love to be consummated, a Gabriel to come to her and inform her but it intensifies the pathos even further.â€Å"Mary† which in Hebrew means uncertainty, as she was uncertain whether she would be able to conceive until Gabriel arrived but â€Å"Mary† (uncertainty) + â€Å"Ann† (graceful) leads us to â€Å"Mariana† who is gracefully expecting even though she is uncertain about her destiny. The heraldry depicts snowdrop which represents consolation, according to floral symbolism. However, it is the flower associated with the ritual of St. Agnes’ Eve, when adolescent girls hope for visionary glimpses of prospective husbands. These meta-representations projects the mental state of the subject sometimes through contrast and irony as well. We see an altar, a private devotional space so we have a sense of her life being taken u p between prayer and meditation which in turn accentuates the theme of longing. The metallic objects add to the visual irony as a church like atmosphere of marriage is being created in Mariana’s room which is never possible. Mariana still wears a waistband which can symbolise her hopes of conjugal bliss which is clearly visible against the deep hue of her dress. The presence of the only animal in the painting, that is the mouse, who seems to be her ironic companion and in terms of materiality it is equated with Mariana’s secluded existence. TheShow MoreRelatedSubject Object Constitution Of Pre Raphaelite Compositions : Binary Or Hierarchy?1692 Words   |  7 Pagestakes us to the question of whether it adds to the theme or subject of the painting or do the objects dominate or tend to make us forget about the subject. It also puts forth an observation of art being an interpretation and not a rendition. If we look closely into the painting we can see that each flower a dds to the theme of the text but apart from â€Å"daisy†, â€Å"rosemary†, â€Å"rue†, â€Å"violet†, â€Å"pansies†, â€Å"columbines†, â€Å"fennel† which are mentioned by Ophelia herself in Act 4 scene 5 and â€Å"willows†, â€Å"crow-flowers†

Monday, May 11, 2020

Writing a Writing Process For Explanatory Essay<|endoftext|>

<h1>Writing a Writing Process For Explanatory Essay<|endoftext|></h1><p>Writing a creative cycle for illustrative paper is regularly a reason for dread in understudies. Understudies are not by any means sure where to begin in their endeavors to figure out what style they should utilize and what instruments will be best in passing on their theory to the peruser. At the point when an understudy can decide their own creative cycle and start to do their examination so as to convey their thoughts obviously and influentially, it will get simpler for them to start their exploration process.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous approaches to move toward a creative cycle for an informative exposition. One approach to begin is by composing a couple of tests of various styles and creative cycles. The primary example that you compose may look something like this: 'Promoters of a universal advertising methodology are meeting up to examine various conclus ions and strategies that they have found through research.' You will need to make this style proclamation out of your notes as you will need to base your composition around the principal characteristics of this style. Obviously, you should likewise put together the article with respect to realities and information and not simply on opinion.</p><p></p><p>As you look into this point, you will find that there are some essential principles to shoulder as a main priority. Most importantly, don't accept anything. The realities are the establishment whereupon any hypothesis rests. The following thing to remember is that you should utilize the right action word tense for each sentence. As you read through different instances of styles, attempt to distinguish which sorts of composing will give the best instructional material to the subject at hand.</p><p></p><p>Once you know which action words work best with the particular realities and circums tances that you have to convey, you can browse a few distinct styles. Take a gander at the realities that you are learning and you can start to decipher the information that they can let you know. By utilizing an assortment of styles and learning an assortment of abilities, you will have the option to impart your plans to the peruser and stay consistent with your objective of conveying to the crowd. As you practice your creative cycle for logical exposition, you will turn out to be increasingly mindful of these skills.</p><p></p><p>As you start to build up your examination, it is critical to perceive when you are feeling stuck or don't get something. Try not to disregard or let the inclination improve of you. Take as much time as necessary to retain the data and pose inquiries when important. By posing inquiries and doing the examination appropriately, you will have the option to discover the appropriate responses that you need. The best approach to gain prof iciency with another ability is to rehearse it often.</p><p></p><p>Even in the event that you don't feel good utilizing a particular style now, you ought not disregard the thought totally. Your examination is fragmented on the off chance that you don't participate in a creative cycle for informative exposition. You should keep on sharpening your aptitudes as you go and with time you will have the option to utilize this style for an examination. It is critical to ensure that you are sure about the realities and the data that you have before you start your research.</p><p></p><p>Next, take a gander at various parts of composing a creative cycle for logical paper. Figure out what strategy for perusing will assist you with finding the data that you need. Choose which style will be generally reasonable for you. Ensure that you know the objective you have as a top priority and what your objective is for this creative cycle. When you recogniz e what you are attempting to achieve, you will have the option to make a sensible and cognizant introduction of your findings.</p><p></p><p>Finally, consider how you may consolidate other diverse research techniques into your creative cycle for logical article. Ask yourself how you may decipher the consequences of another technique and fuse that data into your own discoveries. In the event that you are inexperienced with a specific research technique, you might need to talk with somebody who is. They can tell you the best way to make determinations and disclose how they reached that conclusion.</p>

Things You Wont Like About No Country for Old Men Essay Topics and Things You Will

<h1> Things You Won't Like About No Country for Old Men Essay Topics and Things You Will </h1> <h2>The One Thing to Do for No Country for Old Men Essay Topics </h2> <p>The lady expresses this, and is absolutely great. The truck is loaded with drugs. The sheriff doesn't reply back. Sooner or later he incites a little idea. </p> <p>Please mail us increases just insofar as you're sure. All sensible exertion was made to confirm the information contained thus. The setting is 1980, despite the fact that the period isn't motioned with any of the standard giveaways. Chigurh utilizes a GPS beacon identified with the folder case holding the aggregate to discover Moss. </p> <h2> No Country for Old Men Essay Topics at a Glance</h2> <p>In the beginning, there's no sign of life on this land. The sheriff's understanding and knowledge licenses him to put the pieces of the riddle together. Man isn't a thing however an animal that may j ust be comprehended in the extremely long methodology of advancement. A man would need to put his spirit at risk. </p> <h2> The Battle Over No Country for Old Men Essay Topics and How to Win It </h2> <p>Work is performed under different Subjects each headed by methods for a Referee. At this point you ought to know that an independent composing profession isn't a coursework gcse no fantasy. That would buy a lot of shoulder braces. I have a sense of security to accept that there's A LOT of cash in the spot. Droz If the cash doesn't serve you, it will control over you. </p> <p>He accepts he had the destiny for those lives of his casualties. He accepts he had the fate for those lives of his casualties. A few laws are shared inside all countries, for instance, murder and robbery, despite the fact that the significance may vary from country to country. What's more, passing is a critical issue in the film, and in our lives. </p> <p>In the end, people fluctuate by ethics. This epic addresses whether the individuals on earth can stop the indecencies around them or whether they can help individuals who don't want to get made a difference. That is the motivation behind why numerous individuals today are dreadful of it Any methods are acceptable to arrive at your objectives Inflation permits all to feel like a tycoon Rich industrialized countries are responsible for an unnatural weather change so it is their obligation to find a cure. This is a genuine case of the manner in which the world is continually changing and if in any event, for a second, someone figures they aren't probably going to be a loss of it they are mistaken. </p> <h2> No Country for Old Men Essay Topics for Dummies </h2> <p>He doesn't battle an excessive amount to murder somebody and doesn't appear to be concerned in the wake of executing. There are bunches of firearms inside this story. It is desirable over experi ence childhood in a family with a ton of siblings and sisters. It begins with two characters talking about the past. </p> <p>Convenience was the key objective when the Kilt Kit was structured. No Country for Old Men is by no means a film for kids. The Kilt Kit was made to be hurled around. The arrangement of the Kilt Hanger is perfect for the all out Prince Charlie outfit. </p> <p>A point to be noted is the straightforward reality which he makes reference to how he's getting old and wishes to resign. It is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to produce a genuine companion on the web. Many individuals locate that difficult to trust. His ability to murder numerous individuals is by one way or another upsetting and he's interested to accomplish that. Be that as it may, there aren't any simple answers here. </p> <h2> Here's What I Know About No Country for Old Men Essay Topics </h2> <p>Especially, I accept, by Bardem. It's simply the re and you should acknowledge it. What's more, I wish to tell you why. You may be directly about that. Greenery finds a folder case brimming with money. </p> <p>These troubles aren't constantly associated with keeping in touch with itself. Medication selling was depicted as an advanced undertaking including utilizing all approach to get what one wants. It has three primary characters taking part in an expensive medication bargain. ICUMSA is the sole worldwide association concerned exclusively with scientific procedures for the sugar advertise. There aren't any frequencies he's keeping quiet medications with various people in the novel. There aren't any rates he's having quiet conversations with various people in the novel. </p> <h2>What You Can Do About No Country for Old Men Essay Topics Starting in the Next 5 Minutes </h2> <p>There's nonappearance of trust inside this exchange and the sole reason for engaging in the exchange is for the gigantic benefit. The web has made our life significantly less complex. No Country for Old Men is only probably the best film I have viewed, and it's brimming with subtleties that raise the watchers' consciousness of the visual and aural prospects on the planet. I have the DVD directly here, and I'm prepared to use it! </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Schreyers Honors College Essay Length Calculator

<h1>Schreyers Honors College Essay Length Calculator</h1><p>A Schreyers Honors College Essay Length Calculator can assist you with deciding whether your composing style is fitting for the school. It will assist you with determining to what extent the paper ought to be, and whether your exposition requires a sequential scholastic standard.</p><p></p><p>The Schreyers Honors College Essay Length Calculator can be utilized to figure the size of an article, regardless of whether it should be modified, and the evaluation required. Numerous individuals feel that short expositions are bound to be acknowledged for admission to an exceptionally serious school, while longer articles are simpler to get accepted.</p><p></p><p>This is a smart thought to check for yourself. After you have perused a few school articles, search for manners by which you can alter your exposition to expand its intrigue. For instance, a few universities a re substantially more ready to acknowledge papers that have been revised, yet others are not.</p><p></p><p>If you are stressed over composing an extensive school article, you can likewise utilize this adding machine to decide if your exposition is the best length for the school. Much of the time, the school will acknowledge the paper on the off chance that it is one hundred pages long.</p><p></p><p>If you think you have a case for an additional thirty pages, you may likewise approach your direction advisor for exhortation on the best way to utilize the number cruncher to check whether your article meets the school's exposition necessity. You can likewise alter the length to decide if you have to revise your article. Now and then, the cutoff time to present the exposition is near such an extent that reworking is unnecessary.</p><p></p><p>There are a wide range of choices for composing a school article. It is crit ical to be acquainted with every one of them, in light of the fact that numerous schools require distinctive scholastic gauges for various students.</p><p></p><p>If you are uncertain how to continue, you might need to contact your direction advisor, or compose your own school exposition. There are numerous alternatives, and they all can be useful in setting you up for the school application process. Utilize these tips to help you prepare.</p>

Using Act Writing Essay Samples to Write Effective Essays

Using Act Writing Essay Samples to Write Effective EssaysAct writing essay samples is the most essential of the writing guidelines. In order to write an essay effectively, you have to analyze the theme and write about that. You must plan the sequence of events or chapters at the end of the essay and use keywords to your advantage.This is what makes a writer very successful as he can create a unique and individual essay. Essay writing is like building a house. You may start with the foundation and later add additional features to complete the house. There are certain types of essays for different purposes and you must choose a subject which will suit your purpose of essay writing.Act writing essay samples require an expert will not take up a sample assignment unless it is just right for him. Some of the topics are just too complex or they are just too general. So, when you study essays make sure that you take note of the pros and cons of the essay in your mind.People are not able to w rite and speak in their own unique style but can speak the English language. Therefore, people who are successful writers have a unique style of writing which is not the same as that of others. If your style is unique and you do not follow any rules, the readers will find it difficult to relate with you.Since you are different from the rest of the crowd you need to create a different image for yourself. Make yourself more individual than others are by writing in your own unique way. Hence, act writing essay samples will require you to use unconventional words or phrases, unconventional sentences and unconventional paragraphs.The most common manner to express your thoughts is through the use of concrete words. You cannot use ideas, opinions or emotions in your essay. Just express it with a single sentence.Act writing essay samples should be able to describe the main points and the main themes. Make sure that you can clearly state the meaning of the sentences or paragraphs. The first paragraph should provide the reader with the main ideas of the essay and the second one should give an insight on the situation in which the topic has been used for.Act writing essay samples are extremely useful for those who want to succeed in writing. Do not think that these tips will not help you. It will help you immensely and will also improve your writing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nitric Acid Free Essays

Nitric acid is a highly reactive oxidizing agent used in making fertilizers, explosives, and rocket fuels, and in a wide variety of industrial metallurgical processes. It is also a component of acid rain. Its chemical formula is HNO3 and it has been known as â€Å"aqua fortis†, which means strong water, to alchemists. We will write a custom essay sample on Nitric Acid or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a transparent, colorless to yellowish, fuming corrosive liquid. Nitric acid is a strong acid and therefore it completely dissociates in water. It has a gravity of 1. 41 and the concentration of the hydronium ions(1) yields a pH of 0. . Its boiling point is 122C and its melting point is -42C. It was first mentioned by Pseuso-Geber, a European alchemist born in the 13th century. Described by Albert the Great in the 13th century and named by Ramon Lull, who prepared it and called it â€Å"eau forte† (aqua fortis). There were people saying that it was discovered by Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac or Johann Rudolf, but nobody knows who really did discover that. As it is a intoxicating, oxidizing acid, it reacts most with metals, but does not react with pure gold. However, noble metals could be oxidized and dissolved by nitric acid which leads to colour changes of gold-alloy surface. So nitric acid is used in jewelry shops to spot low-gold alloys ( 14 carats(2)) and to asses the gold purity. Nitric acid also reacts powerfully with most of the organic material, which may also explode. It reacts with non-metallic elements except for nitrogen, oxygen, noble gases, silicon and halogens. It oxides them to their highest oxidation states(3) as acids with the formation of nitrogen dioxide for concentrated acid and nitric oxide for dilute acid. Chromium (Cr), iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) dissolve in dilute nitric acid, which the concentrated acid forms a metal oxide layer that protects the metal from further oxidation, and it is called passivation. Nitric acid can be made in laboratory or industrially. In laboratory, nitric acid can be made from copper(II) nitrate or by reacting approximately equal masses of a nitrate salt with 96% sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and distilling this mixture at nitric acid’s boiling point of 83  °C until only a white crystalline mass, a metal sulfate, remains. Then, the red fuming itric acid obtained may be converted to the white nitric acid, which the equation is H2SO4 + NO? 3 HSO? 4(s) + HNO3(g). In view of the fact that it is a really violent and strong acid, people make this acid for many different uses. It can be used in various forms as the oxidizer in liquid-fueled rockets. The forms include red fuming nitric acid and white fuming nitric acid. Red fuming nitric acid, known as RFNA, i s a oxidizer used as a rocket propellant, which can be stored very long. It consists mainly of nitric acid, but also contains 13% of dinitrogen tetroxide(4) and 3% of water. It breaks down to a certain degree to form nitrogen dioxide. The white fuming nitric acid, known as WFNA, does not contain free dinitrogen tetroxide. It consists of pure nitric acid with 2% of water and less than 0. 5% of dissolved nitrogen dioxide. If the forms are mixed with sulfuric acid, it forms with the HF inhibitor. Nitric acid can also be used in some woodwork. In a low concentration (10% of nitric acid in water), it is sometimes used to artificially make pines and maple look older. It produces a grey-gold, old looking wood colour on wood. By looking at the usage of nitric acid, we can see that, this kind of acid has a great impact to the society and the global economy. As it is not quite expensive, and you can make it in laboratories, there were many incidents where people throw glasses containers holding nitric acid on crowed streets. Many people got hurt, the nitric acid burnt through their clothes and burn them. Concentrated nitric acid makes human skin yellow, because of a reaction with keratin(5). The keratin is the key structural material making up the outer layer of the human skin, and it is also a structural component of hair and nails. It will turn orange when neutralized. However, this acid has many usages and also helps us a lot. It helps the astronauts to fly to space where nitric acid is used in rocket fuels. It also helps us decorate our places with artificial old wood furniture. This acid creates more job opportunities in the job market as the companies need people to work for it. Nitric acid is extremely hazardous and corrosive, and mostly, a poison. Inhaling will cause you breathing problems and lead to pneumonia and pulmonary edema, which may be fatal. Other symptoms may include choking, coughing, irritation of both nose and throat, and also respiratory tract. Ingesting it can cause sudden burn or pain in the mouth, throat, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract. It can also cause skin burns if there is any skin contact. Concentrated solutions can cause deep ulcers and stain skin a yellow or yellow-brown colour. If it gets into the eye, it is even worse, as it is corrosive, the vapors are irritating and will cause damage to the eyes including burns and permanent eye damage. Long-term exposure to concentrated vapors may cause erosion of teeth and lung damage. Long-term exposures seldom occur due to the corrosive properties of the acid. People with pre-existing skin disorders, eye disease, or cardiopulmonary diseases must be susceptible to the effects of this substance. There are rules to follow when using the nitric acid. If people don’t follow it, it will be very dangerous to use it. Acid rain is a form of precipitation which contains a high level of sulfuric and nitric acids. It has a pH of approximately 5. 5-5. 6. It is produced when sulfur dioxide and various nitrogen oxides combine together with atmospheric moisture. Acid rain can contaminate drinking water, damage the plants and aquatic life. It also erode buildings and monuments. If the plants are damaged, people won’t be abled to see the green things again and will also affect our eye-sight. And we won’t have vegetables to eat after acid rain because acid may cause many harmful effects to our body. If we still eat the vegetables, then we be sick. The government had made an effort to reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide released, but it can be produced naturally by volcanic eruptions. Nitrogen oxide can be produced by lightning strikes. Acid rain had became a political issue in 1980s, where Canada claimed that pollutants from the US were contaminating the forests and waters, so power plants were asked to reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide released. Although there are harmful effects of nitric acid, people still keep on producing nitric acid. They only reduced producing them, still shows that there are still benefits of this acid! How to cite Nitric Acid, Essay examples Nitric Acid Free Essays Copper + Nitric Acid Copper is a reddish-brown metal, widely used in plumbing and electrical wiring; it is perhaps most familiar to people in the United States in the form of the penny. (Although since 1983, pennies are actually made of zinc surrounded by a paper-thin copper foil to give them the traditional appearance of pennies. ) Copper is oxidized by concentrated nitric acid, HNO3, to produce Cu2+ ions; the nitric acid is reduced to nitrogen dioxide, a poisonous brown gas with an irritating odor: Cu(s) + 4HNO3(aq) —— Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2NO2(g) + 2H2O(l) When the copper is first oxidized, the solution is very concentrated, and the Cu2+ product is initially coordinated to nitrate ions from the nitric acid, giving the solution first a green, and then a greenish-brownish color. We will write a custom essay sample on Nitric Acid or any similar topic only for you Order Now When the solution is diluted with water, water molecules displace the nitrate ions in the coordinate sites around the copper ions, causing the solution to change to a blue color. In dilute nitric acid, the reaction produces nitric oxide, NO, instead: 3Cu(s) + 8HNO3(aq) —— 3Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2NO(g) + 4H2O(l) In the following demonstration, a balled-up piece of thin copper wire is added to about 100 mL of concentrated nitric acid; once the copper is added the evolution of nitrogen dioxide occurs quickly. Once all of the copper has reacted, the solution is diluted with distilled water, changing the solution from a dark brown to a pale blue color. This demonstration can be done with copper in the form of shot, pellets, thicker wire, or bars, but is a great deal slower than with copper wire. Video Clip: REAL, 7. 02 MB [pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] | A Historical Sidelight: Ira Remsen on Copper and Nitric Acid Ira Remsen (1846-1927) founded the chemistry department at Johns Hopkins University, and founded one of the first centers for chemical research in the United States; saccharin was discovered in his research lab in 1879. Like many chemists, he had a vivid â€Å"learning experience,† which led to a heightened interest in laboratory work: While reading a textbook of chemistry I came upon the statement, â€Å"nitric acid acts upon copper. † I was getting tired of reading such absurd stuff and I was determined to see what this meant. Copper was more or less familiar to me, for copper cents were then in use. I had seen a bottle marked nitric acid on a table in the doctor’s office where I was then â€Å"doing time. † I did not know its peculiarities, but the spirit of adventure was upon me. Having nitric acid and copper, I had only to learn what the words â€Å"act upon† meant. The statement â€Å"nitric acid acts upon copper† would be something more than mere words. All was still. In the interest of knowledge I was even willing to sacrifice one of the few copper cents then in my possession. I put one of them on the table, opened the bottle marked nitric acid, poured some of the liquid on the copper and prepared to make an observation. But what was this wonderful thing which I beheld? The cent was already changed and it was no small change either. A green-blue liquid foamed and fumed over the cent and over the table. The air in the neighborhood of the performance became colored dark red. A great colored cloud arose. This was disagreeable and suffocating. How should I stop this? I tried to get rid of the objectionable mess by picking it up and throwing it out of the window. I learned another fact. Nitric acid not only acts upon copper, but it acts upon fingers. The pain led to another unpremeditated experiment. I drew my fingers across my trousers and another fact was discovered. Nitric acid acts upon trousers. Taking everything into consideration, that was the most impressive experiment and relatively probably the most costly experiment I have ever performed. . . . It was a revelation to me. It resulted in a desire on my part to learn more about that remarkable kind of action. Plainly, the only way to learn about it was to see its results, to experiment, to work in a laboratory. from F. H. Getman, â€Å"The Life of Ira Remsen†; Journal of Chemical Education: Easton, Pennsylvania, 1940; pp 9-10; quoted in Richard W. Ramette, â€Å"Exocharmic Reactions† in Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry, Volume 1. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1983, p. xiv: !!! Hazards !!! Nitric acid is extremely corrosive. Handle with care. The nitrogen dioxide produced in this reaction is poisonous. This reaction must be done in a fume hood! How to cite Nitric Acid, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Columbia Memorial Hospital free essay sample

With no change in volume (utilization), is the clinic projected to make a profit? Currently the clinic sees about 45 patients per day and they have capacity to handle 85. If they continue how they are operating the clinic is looking at a loss of $3,173. At this rate the clinic will not be able to make a profit in spite of inflation over the next couple years. #2 How many additional daily visits must be generated to break even? There is an average of 1,230 visits a month, bringing in 47,037 a month in net revenue. Figure one tells us that in order to breakeven without the new marketing program the clinic will need to see 22 more patients per day, which brings it to a grand total of 67 patients that will need to be seen per day. #3 Answer the same question as in question 2, but this time assume the marketing program has been implemented. According to figure 2 in order to breakeven with the new marketing plan they would need to see 28 patients per day which is 6 more than without the marketing plan. The total of patients needing to be seen per day with this marketing plan is 73. #4 How many incremental daily visits would it take to pay for the marketing program, irrespective of overall clinic profitability? Now according to figure 3 in order for the clinic to pay for the marketing plan it would need to have 22 consecutive days in operation seeing 73 patients per day. #5 Which items in the statement were easiest to project and why? Which were the most difficult and why? What effect could mis-estimates have had on projections? Which items would cause the most damage if mis-estimated? The items in the statement that were easiest to project were the building lease, and equipment rental because the historical financial data have shown each have been consistently around the same cost. The equipment rental has been the exact same on the statement in the previous years and the building lease looks to be almost the same as well. It seems that these two categories are easiest to project because the clinic is most likely in an agreement with the landlord and servicers who are renting them the equipment, so costs should be consistent if they are on a contract. The most difficult items to project were patient visits because they are vital to the entire process since they dictate the electricity, salaries and wages, malpractice insurance, water, and supplies. It is not an easy task to guess how many patients will need to be seen since we do not know what the geographical location is of the clinic or what the year will bring in outbreaks or illnesses. How sick a patient is or what illnesses are prevalent during that time period is not something that the clinic can control. Also the clinic has been very understaffed the past couple years so with the hopefully influx in patients there would need to be an increase in administrative and medical staff. The items that would cause the most risk if mis-estimated would be malpractice insurance, salaries and wages, and number of visits. If they miscalculate the number of visits then this could hinder the other categories which would result in a possible shut down of clinic if not enough malpractice insurance is counted for and staff and personnel would leave if they were not being paid appropriately due to the miscalculation of patient visits. #6 What could Brent do to minimize the uncertainties/risk inherent in the estimates? Brent is going to need to be as thorough as possible in analyzing the historical data in order to project the possible numbers. It would be helpful to also start collecting detailed reports on the patients and what is used more frequently in order to help the organization and minimize the risks. By doing this he can be more accurate on staffing and volume. He is also going to need to do an assessment of the geographical area to see what the patients are in need of and how he can better assist them, therefore this will cut back on unnecessary supplies and equipment. The better he knows the population and their needs the more efficient the organization and staff will become. #7 Please offer your final recommendation to the CEO regarding the fate of the clinic, including your response for doing so. In conclusion, I think the clinic should implement the marketing plan because they will have a better chance of reaching the breakeven point with the marketing program than without the advertising efforts. Also being that they only 1 of the 3 walk in clinics and 2 clinics have recently shut down the have a good chance of increasing their patient census. They are also only a few minutes from the hospital and are part of a large profit making organization, so if they are able to get the word out about their strengths I think they will become more successful. Also by lowering the variable costs and semi-fixed costs, they can raise gross margin. If they are diligent about purchasing supplies, controlling inventory, and increasing productivity of labor by using cost effective scheduling or adding more efficient technology this would also be helpful in conserving and controlling costs. I think by trying the marketing plan for at least a year will give them some data to go off (as to whether or not the marketing helped) of and an option to stay open for longer. It is almost like a second shot, a reopening and image boost. It might be hard to cover the initial costs of the marketing program, but the payoff will be positive and essential provide the clinic with a higher patient volume to fill the gap and help them break even and one day make profit.