Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analyse and compare the ways in which Blake presents the contrasting ideas of ‘innocence’ and ‘experience’ in his poetry

William Blake was born on the 28th November 1757 and is considered one of the first ‘Romantic poets'. The Romantic era was a movement that began in the eighteenth century. Romantic poets who included Wordsworth, Keats and Coleridge believed in rebelling against society's values and the strict rules of poetry and art; these were the people who changed English poetry. At the end of the 1700's Blake published a book titled ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience: The two contrary states of the human soul' which contained poems on similar subjects but explored in the two states of innocence and experience. I shall compare four of Blake's poems in this essay: ‘The Lamb', ‘The Tyger' and ‘The Chimney Sweep' (which appears in both collections). ‘The Lamb' asks us to relate the lamb's image as the most innocent of God's creation, to that of its maker, the ‘lamb of God'. It begins with a question made by a child, who asks the lamb how it came to be and who made ‘thee'. ‘Thee' is the archaic form of the word ‘you' and Blake used it throughout the poem, which gives it a religious tone as this was a word used in the Old Testament. These first two lines are a rhyming couplet in tetrameter. When reading ‘The Lamb' magnificent images spring to mind, especially half way through the first stanza: â€Å"†¦ by the stream and o'er the mead† (meadow). This imagery is similar to descriptions made in the Old Testament book of Psalms. (Especially Psalm 23, â€Å"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want†) The second stanza starts in much the same way as the first, with two lines of tetrameter. This time, instead of a question, a statement is made, leading on to answer the query made in the first verse. Again, Blake uses the archaic form of ‘you': ‘Little Lamb I'll tell thee', to re-enforce the religious side of the poem. This stanza goes on to say that the lamb was created by the one ‘who calls himself lamb', in other words, Jesus. Jesus is seen as the figure of innocence in the Bible. Like most of Blake's work, God has been discussed about in this poem. Each stanza in ‘The Lamb' contains five rhyming couplets and the repetition at the start and end of each verse makes the poem sound slightly like a nursery rhyme consequently reflecting the child-like innocent qualities of the poem. It appears almost devotional and the rhythm helps to give it ballad-like qualities. The poem generally has a repetitive structure and rhyme scheme. Blake uses vocabulary similar to that of a pastoral poem. The answer to the question asked in the first stanza reveals the child's innocence and faith. It indicates that he accepts anything he is told without question. The child associates himself and the lamb with Jesus, and in the Bible Jesus shows kindness towards children. Imagery in the first stanza is descriptive and rural, for example ‘By the stream and o'er the mead'. This forces the reader to think of the happiness and innocence connected with the countryside. This contrasts with the second, which is more spiritual and straightforward. Although the question asked by the child in verse one is naive, it is also very significant. It is a simple question but one that can be thought about a little deeper. This quality is present in almost all of Blake's work – his poems can be read on a number of levels. ‘The Lamb' is a reminder of innocence in a time of war, revolution and industrial labour that was all taking place while Blake was writing. ‘The Tyger' is the experience counterpart to ‘The Lamb'; it too begins with a question. The narrator is asking who created the tyger: ‘What immortal hand or eye/Could frame thy fearful symmetry'. From then on each stanza contains more questions, which branch out from this first; the narrator suggests the creator of the tyger is like a blacksmith, using words such as ‘anvil' and ‘furnace' in his descriptions. He seems surprised that the creator of the lamb could also be able to create such an opposite character such as the tyger. Blake could be comparing the two sides of man; good and bad as well as innocence and experience. The poem is made up of six quatrains in rhyming couplets. It is in a regular, rhythmic tetrameter. The beat is very prominent and if read in a certain way could start to sound like a chant or a spell, this makes the reader feel entranced and in touch with the poem. Blake builds on the idea of comparing nature and art, suggesting that although the tiger is beautiful it is also very violent and this could perhaps reflect it's creator. An underlying question arises whilst reading ‘The Tyger': ‘what type of God could create such a scary beast but also a sweet lamb'. By evolving this question further the poem could be seen to be asking why God lets bad things happen, when he can also let such good things occur. It ends with a repetition of the first verse, but uses the word ‘dare' instead of ‘could'. Blake is suggesting that because the tiger is such a terrifying beast, it would take great daring from God to create it. The central question in both poems is similar, but unlike ‘The Lamb', ‘The Tyger' finishes without an answer. This could suggest that because ‘The Lamb' is in the innocence collection that the question more easily answered when thought about in a naive way. When thought about as it is in ‘The Tyger', at a more in-depth level, the question becomes more complicated. When ‘The Tyger' and ‘The Lamb' are directly contrasted they give a clear comparison of human nature, this shows that nothing is without its bad side, for example, there cannot be heaven without hell. In both poems Blake emphasises his main point in the first and last lines. ‘The Tyger' contains harsh verbs such as ‘grasp' and ‘seize' and also uses harsh sounding alliteration with the letters B, D and T: ‘Burning Bright,' however, in ‘The Lamb' Blake uses softer letters such as L and M: ‘Little Lamb' to show the gentle nature of the poem and creature being described. In both poems metaphors are used and reflect Blake's view on religion and God. In ‘The Lamb' Blake, through the eyes of a child, compares the creator, God, to the lamb itself: ‘For he calls himself a lamb. ‘ Here, Blake is describing Jesus, the ‘Lamb of God'. Blake often wrote about the same subjects in both collections, he sometimes named the poems identically, such as in ‘The Chimney Sweeper in ‘Songs of Innocence'. This poem deals with chimney sweepers and the effect being one takes on a young child's life. It tells of two little boys and their suffering. One of the boys, the eldest, narrates. On first glance, the poem seems full of joy and gives the illusion of ending happily. Looking deeper, it conveys a message of exploitation and child suffering. The poem in ‘Songs of Experience' tells of a boy grieving and how he has to go to work, to almost certainly meet his death, while his mother and father think they are doing the right thing. In the first stanza of the innocence poem, the narrator tells of how his mother died and how young he was. The juxtaposition of the words ‘died' and ‘young' cause tension in the first lines because death and youth are not often associated. The boy cries ‘weep, weep, weep' which has two meanings. At first it seems to be the boy crying, but to be a chimneysweeper you must advertise by shouting ‘sweep, sweep, sweep'. So by including this in the poem; Blake has indicated that the boy is so young he can barely pronounce words properly, yet he must go to work. In the next line, a second person pronoun is used which directly implies that the reader is directly responsible for the underage dangerous work being done; making the reader feel responsible and guilty. The second stanza tells the beginning of a dream had by a younger boy, Tom. He dreams that thousands of chimney sweepers are locked in coffins. The word ‘locked' links directly with the word ‘key' in the next stanza and causes tension between the two verses. Blake was said to have had many visions of various creatures and people. He claimed to experience them from early on. When he was nine years old he told his mother that he had seen â€Å"a tree filled with angels,† and not long after, in a field of workers gathering hay, a vision of â€Å"angelic figures walking†. He has incorporated his visions into this poem by using the idea of a dream. The third stanza contrasts with the second immensely. While the second is full of misery and contains words such as ‘black', ‘lock'd' and ‘coffins'; the third tells of freedom and hope. The phrase ‘their bags left behind' in line three is a metaphor for their troubles left behind on earth. Blake uses metaphors to conjure up imagery in the reader's head. The fourth stanza contains the main message of the poem. Tom awakes to an angel telling him that if he works hard on earth he will be rewarded in heaven. This is Blake ironically criticising the hypocritical society of his time. The experience poem is narrated in third person and the first stanza contains the same phrase as the innocence poem. The boy is crying ‘weep, weep' which again indicates his young age. The first line of the poem, ‘A little black thing among the snow', is a very significant one and brings to mind clear images of black against white. Again, Blake has used tension in the beginning of the poem to create strong imagery in the readers head at an early stage. In the second verse the child is speaking. He tells of how he was dressed in clothes of death and sent out to work as a chimneysweeper. Again, there is tension between the mention of ‘happiness' in the first line and the word ‘death' in the third. Ironically, the parents are being ‘good' by clothing the child, but on the other hand, they are clothing him in clothes of death to be a chimney sweep. The last verse is the boy telling of how he fools his parents. He dances and sings to make them think they are doing no wrong, when in fact they are sending their own child to his death. The last phrase, ‘heaven out of misery' is a very significant one. The concept of heaven only works if there is suffering as well. There would not be a heaven if there were not a hell. Blake tells how children are being exploited by the promise of eternal happiness for work on earth. Adult manipulation is very clear in this poem and Blake is being ironic by suggesting that suffering is the only path to happiness. Both poems contain clear messages. ‘The Chimney Sweeper' in ‘Songs of Innocence' shows that the children have a positive and naive outlook on life. They make the best of it and do not fear death; this is because they do not know the truth and are therefore innocent. An opposite message is conveyed in the poem of ‘Songs of Experience' in which the child blames his parents for putting him in such a dangerous position. He is less naive and blames ‘God & his Priest & King'. This is different from the innocence poem because the little boy has been influenced by society and has an ‘experienced' view. The theme of God runs throughout both poems. In the first, an angel appears and talks about heaven. The word ‘lamb' in the second verse links with the ‘lamb of God', representing Jesus and suffering. In the second poem, heaven is talked about and a church is mentioned in the beginning. Both poems play on the idea of how to get into heaven and the naivety of young children. The poems that I have analysed in this essay have all included the theme of God, as did nearly all of Blake's work. Blake hated organised religion, but on the other hand was a very spiritual and religious man. The times in which he lived forced church upon people, rather than leaving them to make up their own minds. Blake also had a hatred for formal education, which we can see in his poem from ‘Songs of Experience' titled ‘The School Boy'. He felt school was unnecessary and not having attended school himself thought that it ‘oppressed the soul's creative spirit'. Blake wanted his current society's attitude to change; he knew that sending innocent children out to work at such a young age was wrong. In some of his other poetry Blake concentrates on areas of society he would like to be changed, such as in ‘The Little Black Boy'. Blake thinks that the attitude white people have learnt to associate with black people is wrong and should be changed. Much of his inspiration came from the French and Industrial revolutions. In fact, he was so interested in the changes taking place in France, he wrote a poem ‘The French Revolution' in 1791. Blake was living in an ever-changing society, where traditional ideas and values were being questioned and new ones created – he wanted to be a part of it but in his own imaginative, visionary way. The ‘Innocence' collection could represent the way that the society of Blake's time thought and believed, and the experience collection, representing the way it really was. The people of Blake's time would just ignore problems such as child employment and education, hoping it would go away, but Blake knew something had to be done, and he talked about this in his poetry. Songs of Innocence' and ‘Songs of Experience' give comparative images of children, babies, religion and the general society. It shows how different everything seems when we are innocent. Although the two collections show ‘†¦ the two contrary states of the human soul', they seem to join together and weave the same themes throughout. Some of these ideas are included both collections of poems, but are talked about in contrasting ways, such as religion, children, education and death.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

According to Aristotle

According to Aristotle, Oedipus is an archetypal tragic hero. Plot plays an integral role in developing Oedipus’s character throughout the play which thus impacts the play's storyline. Aristotle states that â€Å"The plot is the imitation of the action:-for by plot I here mean the arrangement of the incidents† (Aristotle 01). In this quote Aristotle emphasizes the importance of plot development. He explains how each event has a specific role in the playing out of the tragedy. In the beginning of Odedipus Rex, the audience assumes that Odepois is a sympathetic king who cares about his people. However, as one reads further on Odepoi’s true character is revealed. Subsequently â€Å"the most powerful elements of emotional interest in Tragedy-Peripeteia or Reversal of the Situation, and Recognition scenes-are parts of the plot† (Aristotle 01). These are the most prominent characteristics of the tragic genre. Furthermore they play a key role in drawing the reader’s attention. Significant emotional upheaval occurs when it is revealed that Odepois himself fulfils the prophecy and has killed the prior king. Without the emotional aspect of the play, the reader would not relate to the character or understand the plot. A person's character remains less important than a person's actions as Artistrole argues, â€Å"Now character determines men’s qualities, but it is by their actions that they are happy or the reverse† (Aristotle 01). The character supports the plot due to the personal motivation that precisely connected part of the cause-and-effect chain of actions thus producing pity and fear in the audience. Odepois’s determination to finding the murdered of laius, the original king, even though many warned him from discovering the truth is the play's main story-line. The prophecy that Odepois had fulfilled, played a major role in his character development throughout the play. As Aristotle states, â€Å"Now any speech or action that manifests moral purpose of any kind will be expressive of character: the character will be good if the purpose is good† (Aristotle 06). Aristotle explains the importance of the actions of the character and the impact his or her actions will make on the audience, that the actions of the character defines their characteristics. Odepois's blaming of individuals, when in search for the true murderer of Laius whilst remaining unaware of the facts, shows how over dramatic and hasty he is. This foreshadows the future due to the actions that were going to occur because of Odepois’s characteristics. Lastly, he states that the consistency (true to them) is a quality a character should have in a tragedy. Once a character’s personality and motivations are established, these should continue throughout the play as he defends, â€Å"For though the subject of the imitation, who suggested the type, be inconsistent, still he must be consistently inconsistent† (Aristotle 06). Aristotle suggests that a character should stay in role throughout the play in order to maintain a personal connection from the audience. â€Å"But, of all recognition, the best is that which arises from the incidents themselves, where the startling discovery is made by natural means† (Aristotle 07). In Odepois, when Odepois discovers that the prophecy was fulfilled after all, he realizes it was not due to another individual but by fate or nature. This explains how the characteristics of the character play out in creating the plot. Therefore, Odepois would be an example of a tragic hero according to Artistotle's standards.

How does the first act of the play prepare us for what follows? Essay

The play – Hobson’s Choice sets in late 1880s the Victorian times. If you knew about how do things look like and how people act, you can tell there are lots of differences and things have changed between now and the past. In the past, most of the women were indeed conservative, you can tell that from their costumes. For example, they used to wear very tight, grow bumptious and narrow neck costumes which show that they had no freedom, sometimes they were not even allow to choose their own dresses. However, they were willing to give up their freedoms for beauty. On the other hand, they also emphasized their deportment. Nowadays, women have more freedom, they can wear whatever they want to, and they do not have to wear tight and narrow neck dresses. Furthermore, the marrying age in the old days is around early 20s, but these days the marrying age is between late 20s and early 30s. The play is set in Salford, Lancashire, and the north of England. Hobson is of middle class background but has been running his show shop set in Chapel St, successfully, for some year. Hobson’s shop is quite big. It shows that he has the money to buy a better quality shop. The Hobson’s family is well educated. Also, the trap door shows the social status. Hobson is a really selfish and immature man. He does not care about his daughters’ and he leaves all the works to Maggie and relies to her. He lets her to run the shop and the house, all he cares is when he should goes drinking. He usually goes out at night and stay over until the next morning he comes back for lunch and goes out again. â€Å"He can go on waiting.† This quote shows us that Hobson is an unpunctual man. He doesn’t care how people feel, he cares about only himself. Also, he is extraordinarily lazy. He is so arrogant and he thinks he is better than everyone else. He hates lawyers because its wastes of money and they help people who are supposed to be send into jail. The author tells us that he hates lawyers so this gives us a clue that one of his daughter might marry a lawyer or start a relationship with a lawyer. â€Å"But I’ll tell you this, you’ll none rule me.† This quote demonstrates us that Hobson has a very bossy characteristic. â€Å"You’re pretty, but you’re bumptious, and I hate bumptiousness like I hate a lawyer.† And â€Å"You can lie like a gasmeter.† These quotes tell us that Hobson does not care about his daughters’ feelings; he says whatever he wants to say. Also, he never tries to choose Maggie a husband and he told Alice and Vickey that he is choosing their husband himself. Hobson’s eldest daughter – Maggie, she is 30 and single because of the selfishness of Hobson, he would not let her to find a husband herself but he did not find her a husband. He wants to keep her in the shop to work for him; he does not want to take to responsibility to manage his shop. Hobson often laughs at Maggie’s age as she has already passed the marrying age. â€Å"We’re not here to let people go out without buying.† This quote shows that she is a strong and powerful woman and she is an intelligent business woman. Her character also shows that she is not afraid of her father. Maggie is also Hobson’s favourite daughter. He thinks that Maggie is the most useful to him compare to Alice and Vickey. Maggie is well educated and behaves in a good manner which shows that she is a respectable woman. She takes good care of her sister and cares about them. However, she also cares about Will, but in a different way, this shows that she has feelings for him. As Maggie has a really strong personality, she might have a fight with Hobson later on. Hobson’s second daughter – Alice, she is 23 and with Albert. She helps Maggie to cook and to clean the house but not the business. She despises people; she also often scorns Maggie and reminds her that she has passed the marrying age. This shows that she maybe doesn’t get on really well with Maggie. â€Å"Mr. Prosser didn’t come in to buy boots.† This quote tells us that Maggie has a special relationship with Mr. Prosser, and she assumed that Maggie knew it. Hobson’s youngest daughter – Vickey, she is 21 and with Fred. She is a bit impatient and fidgety, she is the bad one in the family. If things are bad and negative to her, she gives bad comments and tries to make it bad. Vicky also despises people and full of herself. â€Å"Father, have you heard the new about out Maggie?† This quote shows that Vickey wasn’t being very nice to her sister, Maggie. As she knows that if Hobson knows about Will and Maggie, he will definitely stop them. To conclude, I think since the author provides enough clues for us, it prepares us really well for the next chapter. Therefore, this makes me really want to read on as I wanted to know what is going to happen next, and also makes me got really interested in this book.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ecosystem toxic chemical threat Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ecosystem toxic chemical threat - Research Paper Example The environment is vulnerable to dioxins. Plants, animals and human beings are all vulnerable to dioxins. Unlike animals, human beings do not appear to be susceptible to fatal effects of dioxin. In Vietnam, dioxin-based pesticides were sprayed in the 1970’s. Consequently, chronic and acute health effects were observed in military personnel as and in the population of Vietnam. Therefore, this environmental threat is both chronic and acute depending on the genetic makeup of the organism. The severity of potential exposure to dioxins ranges from cancer to noncancer effects. Some of the noncancer effects are endocrine disruption, neurological effects, suppression of the immune system and effects on reproductive and sexual development. 95% of human exposure comes from food especially dairy products, fish and eggs. This is because of dioxins bioaccumulate in body fat of higher organisms. This chemical threat is systemic because it affects all living organisms in the environment. The se threaten the well-being of human beings, rodents, aquatic life and vegetation. The presence of dioxins in vegetation is indicated by wilting or color change in leaves. The methods of eliminating dioxins in the environment are not highly effective. This is due to the complex nature of the dioxin structure. This structure is hard to break down making it difficult to eliminate it from the environmentÃ'Ž The activities that I undertake determine what environmental, chemical threats I contribute to the environment. For an example, driving a gasoline car leads to carbon emission, which is a threat to the environment. Carbon emission also occurs when burning firewood, which is detrimental to the environment. Burning firewood especially in the presence of chlorine leads to emission of dioxins which are chemical threats to the environment. In order to mitigate the threat of dioxins to the environment, institutions such as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should regulate dioxin emission by outlining rules that govern the disposal of waste

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Critical review - Essay Example In his paper ‘A Grand Strategy of Transformation’, Gaddis (n.d.) has seen Bush’s NSS â€Å"the most sweeping shift in US grand strategy since the beginning of the Cold War† (p.1), which he substantiated by illustrating its differences from Clinton’s December 1999 NSS wherein he finds Bush NSS â€Å"more forceful, more carefully crafted, and – unexpectedly – more multilateral than its immediate predecessor† (Ibid). On the contrary, Wirtz and Russell (2003) believe that although Bush calls on a strategic shift from deterrence to preventive and preemptive war, varied international considerations may paradoxically push the Bush administration to rather â€Å"strengthen deterrence and existing international institutions, two outcomes that are not necessarily high on the administration’s agenda† (p. 113). Thus, essentially, it is no different from the former grand strategy. I agree with Wirtz and Russell that Bush grand s trategy is no different from that of deterrence, not because of its practicality in this present international context, but because, all US grand strategies, including Bush’s, only reaffirm the American consensual view on their supremacy; thus, all strategy’s should pursue only one thing – to ensure US hegemony unchallenged. Second, in defining the adversary, all of the articles commonly regard terrorism – specifically Al-Qaeda – the most ambitious, most ruthless, and most capable among terrorist groups – the most dangerous imminent adversary of U.S. today. However, it was Posen (2001), who had clearly described Al-Qaeda’s motive – that Al-Qaeda’s hatred of US comes from the following: the US meddling on the affairs of the Muslim nations in the Middle East; its imposed interest on the Persian Gulf and Middle East; its imposition of its Western culture that is diametrically opposed to Islam – all these result to the suffering of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Countries with low birthrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Countries with low birthrates - Essay Example This report aims to highlight the changes in Italy and Germany’s population structure and the population policies I’d implement to achieve future sustainable growth levels. Italy’s population is expected to significantly decline from its current level of 61 million to around 55 million by 2050 (CIA, 2011). Italy’s current population growth rate stands at 0.42%. This will result in an aging population as life expectancy increases (currently 81 years) and birth rates fall (currently 9.18 births per 1000 of the population). Italy’s total fertility rate at 1.39 children per woman is also below the replacement level of 2.1. Only 13.8% of Italy’s population is under the age of 14, compared with 20.3% of its population who are over 65. Germany’s population has also started to decline by -0.208% from 82.5 million in 2004 to 81.47 million in 2011 (CIA, 2011). There are currently 8.3 births per 1,000 of the population and an average fertility ra te of 1.41 children. Germany also has a great population imbalance in which 13.3% of the population are under the age of 14, whilst 20.6% of the population is over 65.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Programming languages Comparison and History Research Paper

Programming languages Comparison and History - Research Paper Example A software program either working on high dimensional vector spaces (finding Eigen vectors) or any kind of information system like airline reservation system, parcel tracking system, bar code reader, point of sale system etc. , the objective is simple â€Å"hiding the complexity†. Different approaches have been taken into account for â€Å"hiding the complexity†, i.e. abstraction on theoretical bases. These different approaches are based upon the need and view point of the analyst i.e. how he looks upon the system. Programming languages basically belong to these approaches or view points to solve the hidden problem or effectively hiding the complexity. In contrast to comparison of programming languages it is more appropriate to compare the programming paradigm. Programming paradigms include procedural languages includes c, pascal etc, object oriented programming languages C++, Java etc and scripting languages includes Python, Perl, Tcl, etc. ... ely with the hardware; however the high level programming languages are more towards application oriented and more focused to build high level application without going into details of Hardware issues. Low level languages plays significant role while developing applications running in a closer contact with the machine and need more freedom, more power, more efficiency, and absolutely direct contact with Hardware, which of course contributed into performance betterment. Indeed, working over low level languages like machine language or assemble demands a higher level of expertise and not every programmer (of high level language) guarantee to write good code on such languages. In contrast to low level languages, high level languages are friendlier to use, they provide several machine security measures, frameworks, GUI builders etc to facilitate a programmer to only concentrate over application development issues rather than got stuck into Hardware management issues. High level languages are easy to use and almost the first choice for the scientific development since the last two decades (Bebo, 1989). In the rest of the paper, only high level languages will be discussed in details and there will be no discussion over Low and High level languages. In the following section, a summary of some major paradigms (within high level languages) is presented with some of their specific features: 1. Procedural Languages 2. Object Oriented Languages 3. Scripting Languages 4. Parallel Languages 1.2 PROCEDURAL LANGUAGES Procedural languages are commonly speaking those languages which only work upon procedural approach. This is basically the way of thinking that makes any program a procedural code. No matter which powerful platform is being used, and whatever strong object oriented

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Leadership and Future Leaders (DB) Essay

Strategic Leadership and Future Leaders (DB) - Essay Example I would also choose a leadership style which relates to my persona and comment on another which doesn't. (Yellid) The servant leader relationship was coined by Robert Greenfield, wherein the leader's role is reduced to that of a steward, with special regards to human, financial and statistical recourses of an organization. Although the concept is not new and Chanakya, a great thinker from India, has already mentioned its true worth in the 4th century BC, the fact still remains that it was indeed Robert Greenfield who reinforced it with an official stamp. The reason why I advocate the cause for a servant leader relationship is because the servant leader, during its manifestation phase, is blessed with the power of listening, empathy, awareness, conceptualization, healing, stewardship, persuasion and community building. The leader is also stated to be a humble servant of the organization and strives to help his/her employees in their future growth. Unlike a typical top down relationship, servant leadership is based on trust, empathy and ethical use of power. (Yellid) Over here, a leader has to create a positive relationship with the organization.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quiz 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Quiz 1 - Essay Example A good example of the deaf sign language is the village sign language (MOUTON). Deaf sign languages bridge the gap between people with hearing impairments and those who can hear within the community. The third type is manually coded language, which acts as a bridge between oral and sign language. A good example is the coding popularly used by the blind. Language affects how we think but does not determine our thinking. We express our thoughts through language.  The amount of words we know in a language gives idea to our thinking. We will definitely think of those things in that are in our vocabulary. We think using language, but the language does not determine our thinking. Our lifestyle, tradition and habits shape how we think. Our thoughts are independent of the language we use, for example, similar thoughts can be explained using different languages and still mean the same thing. A speech community is a sociolinguistic expression that defines people with a common interest and speak or use the same variety of a language and have a specific set of rules for speaking and interpreting that language. People maybe living in the same community or village but belong to different speech communities (MOUTON). This lays the foundation for the difference between a speech community and a society. People who form a speech community, usually, have something in common and thus formulate ways that will make it easy for them to communicate and understand each other. Context can be explained as the situations or conditions that form the basis for a given event or undertaking. Context is vital when it comes to interpretation of sign language. For communication to be effective, many processes are involved. The only sure way to get the intended meaning of any given communication is by understanding and analyzing the context. Generally, a speaker sends out information with a certain meaning. The receiver is expected to infer

Labour Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Labour Rights - Essay Example Indeed, every person is entitled to freedom of speech, but this should not make such rights take precedence over economic and political concerns. In the modern world, there is respect for Charter of Rights and Freedoms but does not give a pass to equal rights for people from different races, religion, color, sexuality and the likes. Even so, not everyone adheres to these guidelines; rampant discrimination continues in private. People get different treatments based on their appearances and sexuality, with bosses hiring based on the looks and beliefs of the prospective employees. This does not mean that it would always be the case, but that the prejudice is rife in the modern world. The rights of individuals would be put behind their backs because, in spite of acceptance of such rights, seniors in the workplaces determine how such rights are reinforced in the organization.  Even so, these rights are determinate and are well stipulated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and thus cr itical for consideration. All the rights listed in the statement are basic to every employee:1. The right to organize free from interference refers to the right given to every worker to undertake their tasks without meddling from any quarters. This is a significant right to all workers as it fosters their productivity and promotes a healthy workplace environment.2. The other right is the right to bargain collectively and to be bargained with in good faith. This right to collective negotiations is a useful tool when seeking mutual agreements. It is a crucial right in promoting participation thus allowing an organization to benefit from the diverse views of the different members. Participation allows people to adjust accordingly and adapt to issues they would previously not be comfortable with. Contribution from different people to an idea and the subsequent infusion makes people own a proposal, an important outcome for collective bargaining.3. Finally, there is the right to strike wi thout putting one’s job in jeopardy. This right allows workers to fight for their wants without putting their jobs on the line. Thus, workers should be allowed to voice their concerns without being victimized. This could be undertaken through a strike, thus the importance of this right.The critical part in the statement is the consideration of the other rights as overriding economic and political considerations. Whereas the enlisted rights are essential to all humans, the different classes in the society together with the existence of specific representations set some people above others politically and economically. The rights are important in a workplace setting but only manage to hold for a while in the society at large.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Direct and Interactive Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Direct and Interactive Marketing - Essay Example The following is a discussion of strategic approaches in relation to the strengths and opportunities that the management seeks to accrue from the business environment. The details further establish the salient use of the variables in rebuilding the supermarkets’ strategic framework. Analyses for Morrisons’ supermarkets Situation analysis in Morrisons Morrisons has competently claimed its position in the U.Ks retail market through the lead in the delivery of quality food and groceries. The supermarket chain has grown tremendously after merging with Safeways Company. Morrisons invested in a total of 32 million pounds for online marketing to ensure prompt approaches to the clientele groups. This investment approach targeted to acquire the stipulated clientele given that the consumer groups were deviating from point-of-sale purchases to placing orders and expecting home deliveries (Vickers, 2013:3). The threat of competition is overwhelming in the UK’s retail market, factors articulated to Morrisons dwindling rate of profitability despite the struggle to retaliate accordingly by offering the best retail services in the UK market ahead of their fellow competitors. In 2011, the month of November, the company’s management evaluated that profitability rates were dwindling along various quarters, and their market leadership was falling under a continued rate of threat. The current forecasts implement that Morrisons’ supermarkets have competitively engaged in a recovery program to recuperate and yield profitability (British grocery market, 2012:4). The company shall possibly achieve the desired market edge through the expected success of the M-Local initiative. Direct marketing in determining market size and trends The strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats determine the rate of profitability in the market segments. Through the analytical approach, Morrisons’ management must determine of the approaches that seem most appropriate to reaching the desired market share. As the company currently holds 10% of the total market share, perceptions are that the management may ensure precise research and development study to ensure that all factors of the product mix favor the outlined specifications of prompt delivery of value and satisfaction at a profitable rate to the clientele community of the UK. As Morrisons competes with Tesco, Marks and Spencer, Asda, Sainbury, and Waitrose among others (Vickers, 2013:4). Morrisons held a worrying 10% market share as at November 2012 and situation reflected to the company’s diversification of investments through big stalls and shopping centers while competitors gradually adjusted to direct marketing approaches. The retail stores accrued importance through the purchase of online channels of communication (Dahle?n, and Lange, 2008:144). As rival competitors such as Tesco and Asda lose their market share -43% and due to the discovery that the beef sold in the market contained horsemeat up to 50%, the companies lost accordingly while Morrisons acquired over 20 small-sized stalls. SWOT analysis As the company evaluates of the probabilities of success to prosper and compete with others effectively, the management realized that the reinvestment rate of Asda and Tesco posed considerable threats to competition and success. The competing firms remained threatened by the rate of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Determining a substance by tritration Essay Example for Free

Determining a substance by tritration Essay Aim: Using the procedures of a standard acid base titration lab, the goal of this experiment is identifying the amount of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) that is presented in a calcium carbonate substance presented by our teacher. Hypothesis: Due to any unknown substance that we encounter in the chemistry room, we must take serious precaution, as the substance may very well be highly contagious and dangerous to smell, touch or taste directly. The only ability that we posses that can be used to observer this substance is our vision that is going to help us in determining the concentration of the substance. Although that with vision only, it will not suffice the need that is necessary to make that judgment as we need quantitative data (finding the exact concentration of calcium carbonate). Unless we have prior knowledge about this substance, the processes of a titration must be used. My hypothesis begins that this has about 60% concentration. Variables: Independent Variable: There is none in this experiment. The goal of this lab is not to include any variables that will change the concentration of the calcium carbonate. We need constant results for the concentration of the calcium carbonate, as that will determine the actual concentration of the calcium carbonate in our substance. Dependent Variable: The volume needed to titrate the calcium carbonate solution by using the phenolphthalein indicator. Though it is a clear substance, the indicator will change its color into pink when the solution becomes a base from an acid. By determining the amount of hydrochloric acid is needed to change the color of the solution, we can determine the concentration of calcium carbonate through some calculations. Controlled Variables: 1. The Distilled Water: The distilled water will be the only water that will be used during the entire experiment. The distilled water was prepared and resented by our teacher. 2. The calcium carbonate substance: The calcium carbonate substance was constant throughout the entire experiment. 3. The Hydrochloric Acid: The hydrochloric acid was one of the main components of this experiment. Therefore this acid was also prepared and presented by the teacher. 4. All Equipment: All the same equipments such as the pipette and the filter paper were used throughout the experiment. Apparatus: * Unknown white powdered substance * 50cm3 burette * 3 250cm3 Erlenmeyer flask * 200cm3 for hydrochloric acid * 0.1M of Sodium Hydroxide * Burette clamp * Retort stand * Distilled water * Goggles * Filter paper * A funnel * Phenolphthalein indicator * A scale * Paper towel * A spoon * Pipette * Pipette sucker * White paper Method: 1. First set up the retort stand and the retort clamp as indicated by the diagram below. Of course, the flask must be prepared in the subsequent steps. However unlike the diagram, place a white piece of paper beneath the flask so that the color change becomes more easily visible. 2. After placing the paper towel and scaling the scale, measure out approximately 10.0 grams of the unknown substance and record the exact mass 3. Add 200cm3 of 1.00-mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid and stir until the reaction is complete. 4. Filter the solution and withdraw 10cm3 using a pipette and make up to 100 cm3 in a volumetric flask. 5. Titrate 10cm3 portions against a standard 0.1M NaOH using the phenolphthalein indicator. 6. Record both quantitative and qualitative data. 7. Repeat the process of titration three times. Observation (Data Collection): Measurements: * Mass of Calcium Carbonate solution: * Burette: Calcium Carbonate solution made using 250cm3volumetric flask with an uncertainty of ?0.5cm3 * Pipette: 25.0cm3 of 0.100moldm-3 NaOH(aq) ?0.04cm3 Chemical Equations: Before we delve into the calculations, it is best that we list the necessary chemical equations of this lab. One must note that in this experiment, that there were two chemical reactions. Firstly, the first experiment occurs when the white substance mixed with the HCl. The second chemical reaction took place when the HCl solution meets with the .1M of NaOH 1. 2. Qualitative Data: Description of the substance used and produced Hydrochloric Acid Clear, viscous, Calcium Carbonate White, powder form Phenolphthalein Indicator Clear solution, comes in a bottle, add as drops Solution Produced in the end Bubbly, white liquid, most of the unknown mixture dissolved Clear/pink throughout. Quantitative Data: Measurement Recorded During the Experiment Trial 1 2 3 4* Initial Burette Reading (ml?0.05cm3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Final Burette Reading (ml?0.05cm3) 5.45 5.90 5.60 5.40 *To note, for the calculations below, the supervisor at the time suggested the best data to use would be the average of the HCl used because the numbers found were very consistent. Calculations The following steps were taken so to find the % by mass of CaCO3 in the mixture 1. The moles of acid presented in 200cm3of 1.00 mol dm-3hydrochloric acid. 2. The moles of acid presented in 10cm3of the acid solution titrated. 0.00056molof HCl 3. Multiply the volume present in the volumetric flask. 4. The total moles acids remaining after the reaction with CaCO3 5. Subtract the value in 4 from that obtained in 1 to find moles acid used. 6. The stochiometric equation for the reaction of HCl and CaCO3 Hydrochloric acid+Calcium carbonateCalcium chloride+water+Carbon dioxide -Therefore the molar ratio is 1 mole of calcium carbonate to 2 moles of hydrochloric acid 7. Using this and the value in 5 to calculate the moles of CaCO3 present. Then calculate the mass of CaCO3 8. Using the value found in step 7 and the original mass of the mixture, here is the calculation to find percent of the mixture is made up of CaCO3 Uncertainties: * * * * Total Uncertainty= Conclusion: This experiment in general was very interesting. During this lab, I was able to learn of how we can identify the amount of a substance by knowing the concentration and volume of another. We were able to do so as we knew the moles and concentration of sodium hydroxide that had enabled us to find the unknown concentration of calcium carbonate. Because the actual percentage of CaCO3 was not given, we must concur that the accuracy of this lab has been affected and therefore must be assessed by our uncertainty percentage. The percent of uncertainties represents the desultory errors that may have occurred, which either may make the measurements bigger or smaller than the accepted value, due to imprecise measurement. One way to avoid future random errors, better equipment may be needed, or repetition of the measurements. Despite the uncertainties based on lab equipments and other mediums of measurements, one of the biggest possible sources of error lies in the systematic errors of this lab, especially finding the exact endpoint. Though the pink color should indicate when the endpoint is reached, in trial 2 and 3, the solution turned a faint pink color and my partners and I did not know whether that faint pink indicated the endpoint. This could have resulted in a measurement lower than the actual value. To possibly improve this source of error, I believe more time and trials should be allotted to the students. When I was doing my experiment, we were only given a single class time to follow the procedures, write down our notes, and clean up our experiment. If more time was allotted, then higher quality recordings could be made. This would then give us a clearer idea when the endpoint actually is. Next, though it is unlikely, to improve this lab we may have to rinse the burettes and other flasks prior to performing this lab. In my chemistry classroom, burettes and flasks are arranged so that the clean ones are clearly seen and labeled while the used ones are in the sink. However it could be possible that another student may have placed an unclean burette in the cabinet full of clean equipments. Therefore, for accuracy purposes, all equipment should be washed using soap and tissues. Reviewing and understanding the errors can significantly improve this experiment. Though my hypothesis of the concentration being 60% calcium carbonate was wrong, this experiment taught me the value and usefulness of the process of titration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Technology Aided Learning Education Essay

The Technology Aided Learning Education Essay Hey man! Whats wrong? Why are you crying? I didnt attend the last lecture how can I do the assignment now? Oh dont worry! I have the lecture recorded in my pen. Pen Yes it records video. Here take this Education is a complex subject which appears to elude definition. With the passage of time it has gathered new dimensions and stirred the human mind in unpredictable ways. Education is a continuous process and it aims at total development of the individual. Learning is not a single activity; it includes at least three different stages: accretion, restructuring, and tuning That is the, progress from the unsure and anxious state of the learner to the serene and experienced skill of the expert. It is not enough to understand and learn a subject. When a subject has been learned, it should be used. It should be practiced. It should be tuned until it is used effortlessly. An old proverb says, I heard it and I forgot it, I saw it and I remembered it, I did it and I learned it. Learning is therefore more effective when it occurs in an interactive setting that is mostly promoted through the use of educational technology. Now a days one can not live without technology. There is hardly an area of our life which is free from its presence whether it is health or education, industry or transport, communication or entertainment, fashion or domestic comforts technology is there all around us to serve us in every possible manner. TAL is an abbreviation of Technology Aided Learning and is one of the most commonly used acronyms within education. TAL has been increasingly used to describe the use of technology for learning purposes. The need for technology in the classroom is rapidly increasing with the changing times. What one must remember is that TAL is used to assist the user in learning or understanding a particular subject or thought in different or with interesting presentation. The key word here is Assist which means that it is not alone in this aim and that there are other methods involved too. In other words it is a small part of a much larger picture. It is relatively a new learning technique and is used for individual learning, in schools and in workplaces no matter what age groups the learner might belong to. TAL can be equally beneficial for people with disabilities. It will give them the opportunity to work side by side with peers. Technology today is flexible enough to stretch and meet their spec ial requirements. It will help them self-advocate In workplace environment it helps everyone by keeping a breast with latest techniques and solving day to day problems. Technology today provides virtual environments in which to check the viability of projects in real life situations. According to the British Journal of Educational Technology published by the National centre for Educational Technology, U.K. No. 2, Vol. 2, May 1971. Educational technology basically means all the intellectual and operational efforts made during recent years to regroup, arrange and systematize the application of scientific methods to the organization of new sets of equipment and material so as to optimize learning process. Majority of the people prefer TAL over traditional methods. TAL can cater a large number of people at the same time whereas traditional teacher centered methods can accommodate a certain number only. Technological learning commonly known as E-learning is defined as the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, as well as remote exchange and collaboration (EC, 2001). An integral part of the e-learning is video-conferencing technology, which allows students to talk to experts and other schools and students around the world in real time via a video link-up. Virtual schools are a relatively new phenomenon that is gripping the nation which makes it possible for everyone to learn at the same time even if they are at different ends of the globe. In this way a lot of time is saved from repeating or preparing the same lecture for separate classes. It is also benefactor for all those who due to one reason or another cannot go to educational institutions by having online lectures in their homes. If such virtual schools can be developed it might prove to be a sigh of relief for all those countries who import oil and other fuels as less to and from movement from educational institutions will bring a decrease in demand for fuel import thus giving a much required relief to their withering economy and might even boost it. Such a strategy can be particularly use ful in rural areas where online learning can help teachers and students in remote areas overcome distance. So in this way it can lend a helping hand in solving the current staff to student ratio crisis. Technology is the potential savior of the education system, because it can be used to personalize learning. The learner can learn at the pace he is most comfortable with and can design his learning according to his knowledge and needs, record the progress he makes. While some of the people want technology to replace traditional learning altogether others might disagree. A more moderate approach to the issue in question would be that both techniques should be employed in balance because some students from backward areas do not have the pace and are not at all comfortable with technology and also because it decreases student to student and student to teacher communication up to some extent. This strategy of blending online learning with school-based instruction is often utilized to accommodate students diverse learning styles and to enable them to work before or after school in ways that are not possible with conventional classroom instructions. Learners respond to information differently. As a result, it is often to the teachers advantage to use many different formats and modes to teach the lesson. Factors which influence the use of TAL include availability of resources and time and also on the difficulty of the topic and the strength and level of the class being taught. Use of TAL also broadens the mindset by giving every kind of information in one place. Most of the instructors just teach whatever is in the book and do not go outside its scope. Some do not employ TAL techniques due to power fluctuations and also non credibility of information up to some extent. The kind of technologies employed include internet, video conferences, audio and video cassettes regarding book content, online tests, online reference books, articles/journals and a wide range of gadgets including Projector, Camera, Electronic Board, Computer and different multimedia aids. While open educational resources are freely available over the net to every student without any discrimination, effort should be made that they meet standards of quality, accuracy and credibility as with any other educational resource. TAL is an effective learning technique.TAL provides an active learning atmosphere because different audio and visual materials appeal to the senses and completely grabs their attention. The listener of today does not want a dull lecture he prefers education through entertainment. Because of its comfortableness sometimes listener feels at ease and then might miss out a few things but TAL has the ability to reignite listeners interest. Because of the healthy interaction between technology and students interest in even dull topics can be developed. Audience motivation increases due to the use of TAL because everyday theres something new. Hence, if proper motivation and learning environment is provided TAL can surely enhance learning capabilities. Outside school, students constantly interact with technologies such as iPods, mobile phones, the internet and social networking sites, so it is little wonder theres an expectation that these technologies will also support their learning in the classroom. In recent world a program has been trialled that allowed students and teachers to download free information and resources through iTunes U an area of the iTunes store offering free education content from top institutions around the world. The departments assistant executive director curriculum support says that, by providing online content in alternative formats, the department hopes to make the information more accessible and appealing to people in the education community. This program will also test the practicality of using alternative electronic formats to distribute the departments information. The iTunes project also means that students can better communicate with their peers and access different perspectives on their subjects by sharing audio files to discuss their school work. Advantages of TAL in classroom include but are not limited to those mentioned here. The ideal classroom is an interactive, collaborative, and innovative place of discovery; technology is a key piece in achieving that goal. The use of TAL is increasing due to its fast and effective delivery of concepts and convenience. One of the advantages of using multimedia is to convey information quickly and effectively to all learners-and keep them interested in learning. (Savage and Vogel, 1996). Each and every one of the student pays 100% attention. TAL increases the interest in learning by creating an environment which is both innovative and creative and engages the student more fully. TAL makes one forget the chalk dust, the textbooks and make them a thing of the past. TAL is bliss for all those who want permanent and up to date knowledge. The use of TAL has introduced the concept of self education. When students find a term they are interested in they would simply research it and discus whatever they have found with their classmates. TAL also has an upper hand due to its diverse material. It sure is a fun way to get your students to review important material. It is certainly an advantage for all those who want to gain extra. It also saves the student and teacher from the hassle of carrying books and notes to and from the classroom. TAL expands whatever the course offers. When the same material is taught for awhile the student and even the teacher himself might find it les s than exciting. A quick internet search might help you identify ways to supplement your lessons with interesting new material such as photographs, sound clips, video clips, which can more than bring your lessons to life. Hence the use of technology allows teachers to diversify their lectures, display more information, and enhance learners learning. All student related info such as grades, attendance, progress reports etc can be uploaded which will make it possible to access it from any computer and hence make it easier for students and parents to track the students progress. Technology helps us in training our students in such a way that they master the 4Cs which are creativity, collaboration, communication and critical-thinking. TAL creates a sense of independent learning and help students in experiencing real life situations in the comfortable surroundings. With the aid of technology, many teachers take students beyond traditional classroom limits, creating virtual environments to experiment and explore (Hamza and Alhalabi, 1999). TAL reduces the cost of instructional materials. Technology is infused in almost every aspect of our daily lives so students from institutions which employ TAL techniques frequently have an upper hand than the rest as they are already trained in the much required skills. Students with little or no interest are simply not stimulated unless given technology as the backbone to their learning. Although some technologies sound space-aged and technical, most of the technologies that students are using are the same as those in most homes; the main difference is that, in schools, their educational potential is being explored. Like everything TAL also has some disadvantages. Lets imagine a situation where a teacher is having trouble with technological devices and it might sometimes be embarrassing when a student tells him or her how to troubleshoot the problem in question. However, that doesnt mean a teacher can turn away from using technology altogether. Instead, workshops should be arranged to bring such teachers into this new era of education by giving them the choice of what technology to use with their students. Given budget restraints, one hears more arguments in favor of traditional learning rather than use of technology in classrooms. The best solution to the financial problem is to allow students to bring in their own devices which mean that some students will have i-pads, pods, phones and laptops while others will have nothing. Technology, in this case, will likely serve to increase the gap between the rich and the poor and create a sense of deprivation. Sometimes students take it easy and become passive in the classroom or even dont come in the class because they know that whatever will be taught will be uploaded and they can find the same or better resources then that shown in the class. In this way they stop learning content and go to learn technology instead. Technology loses its novelty over time as its extensive use might make the lecture dull for then it will become a routine. Extra efficient people can surely find something more to do but in this way a little less motivated students will be left far behind and thus a gap will be created. TAL can be of major disadvantage for backward area people in terms of communication gap. The extensive use of technology may cause to lose activeness and brain storming etc. Some were of the view that they even serve as distraction. Some teachers might rely on technology exclusively to make their job quicker and easier, but what one must remember is that a teachers job is never easy. As far as technology is concerned there is a very faint line between education and environment. Teachers should be properly trained to emphasize knowledge and skills related to instructional technology use. Educational institutions in the country should be provided with modern instructional resources to facilitate teaching. The future of TAL in terms of teaching/learning and transfer of information to any individual all of them saw a bright future some even went so far as to suggest that TAL might completely replace the traditional techniques. A revolution might be coming ahead which aims to prepare students for further education and training, jobs of the future and to live and work in a digital world. Some school students ages 9-12 are even now being switched on to some of the most up-to-date technology available, from laptop computers to interactive whiteboards, video-conferencing equipment and even virtual classrooms. TAL should be employed side by side with traditional techniques rather then relying alone on technology. TAL should be employed on a larger scale and everything should be done for its promotion throughout the country. A clear cut line should be introduced so that these technologies and resources are not misused. The daily interaction with technology will help in producing students or le arners being leaders of 21st century.

Reliability And Validity Assessment

Reliability And Validity Assessment What forms of reliability and validity do Grogan et al. (2000) establish for their patient satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ) measure? Briefly (one paragraph each) review the forms established. 1) Grogan et al.s (2000) chose an internal reliability to check for the consistency or inconsistency of their inter-subscales.   They performed Cronbachs alpha analysis to measure the correlation of each subscales on the general satisfaction subscale. The results showed a high level of correlation coefficient, which range between .74-.95, indicating that the subscales are internally reliable. Using internal reliability (Cronbachs alpha) is efficient and most widely used, however, the expression of its result could only be in terms of consistency and inconsistency. Moreover, the Cronbachs alpha allows items to be discarded from the analysis just to get a better alpha value (Vehkalnti, 2004). Furthermore, the present result showed a strong alpha value of doctor subscale (.95), therefore, it is reasonable to exclude doctor subscale from the five-factor domain, since it is very similar to the general satisfaction subscale. 2) Grogan et al. (2000) chose an internal validity way of assessment (focusing on the inference from the cause and effect of a variable on another variable). Grogan et al. used a construct validity test by using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the Pearsons product moment correlation (PPMC), and the Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA). The CFA was used to identify the approximate closeness of the 40 items to fit on the appropriate factor of the five-factor model (doctors, nurses, access, appointments, and facilities), which was suggested to embody patients satisfaction. The result showed a low value of   measure and high value of non-normed fit index (NNFI), which indicated that the items were having a good fit with the five-factor model. The PPMC test was used to look at the correlation of the subscale on the general satisfaction subscale. The result showed a positive significant correlation, which means ANOVA was used to compare the five different subgroups (patients divided ac cording to age) on the 46-items satisfaction scores. The results showed a significant difference of age group, with a greater satisfaction of older patients on the service provision, than younger patients. Construct validity is widely use because its relevant and clear measurements, but the present study did not measure a low correlation scores of items to indicate that the items were irrelevant. Moreover, construct validity is also subjective (in terms of judging the items, where the researchers believe that the items measure what they suppose to measure). Also briefly review other forms that might be established and how this might be achieved. 1) Test-retest reliability might be another good way to test for reliability of items measurements. This can be done by giving the questionnaire to the same respondents (patients) at different occasions, preferably three months after the initial test (Kline, 1993). The correlation of scores between the two tests can be compared. If the correlation coefficient is high, this means that the questionnaire (the subscale items) are reliable and consistence. This can be done by analysing the Cronbachs alpha value, which needs to be greater than .70 to be reliable but not greater than 1 (preferably not greater than .95). Moreover, test-retest should not only be carried out to the patients who had full respondent rates but also to those who had partially respondent rates (17% of the patients), just to check the presence of any specific group of patients that might think the questionnaire was not reliable to them. 2) Alternate-form of reliability can be used to assess reliability of the items, which can be done by using a different wording for each of the items (but having the same meaning) to measure the patients satisfaction based on the five-factor dimensions. According to Litwin (1995), the items created should not be identical but similar to each other, and the test should be his should be given to the same patients at different times. The correlation between their scores will show the reliability of the measurement of the questionnaire. By looking at Cronbachs alpha, high correlation of the items indicates high consistency of measurement. 3) Interobserver reliability is a method that can be used to find how well the inter-subscale is (Litwin, 1995), which measures how the five-factor domains agree with the 46-items questionnaire, by allow the professionals from each domains (such as the doctors, nurse, people who responsible for the environment factor, people responsible for the access factor, and people who are responsible to provide the facilities) to answer the questionnaire to assess their own satisfaction of the service provision. The data can be analysed by using Pearsons correlation to find out the correlation coefficient of the items and the satisfaction. High correlation indicates higher reliability of the subscale. 4) External ways of assessing the validity would be good to mentioned, in which the inter-subscale can be generalized across different patients, places and times. This can be achieved by doing a sampling model and proximal similarity model approaches, in which the questionnaire is first distributed to a sample population, then to its nearby population, and lastly to the outside population. The analysis of scores from these populations can be done by using ANOVA, and the significant correlation can be revealed. If their correlation is significant (p 5) Criterion validity is a good way of analysing the researchs validity as poor criterion tests would lead to inefficient technique of measurement. It has two major forms: predictive validity and concurrent validity. The predictive validity can be applied to find out how well the service of general practitioners could predict the patients satisfaction in the future. This can be done by asking the five domain factors (doctors, nurses, etc) and the patients to fill in the questionnaire separately. Then, the scores will be calculated by factor analysis (CFA) to see if the domain factors fit with five-factor model and by the PPMC to see the correlation on satisfaction. If the domains score fits with the model and have high correlation coefficient, this could predict that the patients score would also be similar. In contrast, concurrent validity cannot be applied because it could not be compared to the gold-standard questionnaire of patients satisfaction as it was none. 6) Content validity can be addressed in terms of finding how adequate the items are to reflect its domain. This can be examined by using CFA, in which it is to find the proximate knowledge of the items adequacy (i.e. to know which specific five-factor domain was the item belongs to). 7) Method bias to measure the present of any biased items in the questionnaire. This can be done by using logistic regression. The items are considered to be biased if they have characteristics that only allow the respondent to give a certain answers, bias to the aim of the study. REFERENCES Carmines, E. G. Richard, A. Z. (1979). Reliability and validity assessment. London: Sage. Grogan, S., Conner, M., Norman, P., Porter, I. (2000). Validation of a questionnaire measuring patient satisfaction with general practitioner services. Quality in Health Care, 9, 210-215. Kane, T. M. (2001). Current concerns in validity theory. Journal of Educational Measurement, 38(4), 319-342. Kerlinger, F. N. (1986). Foundations of behavioural research. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Kline, P. (1986).   A handbook of test construction.   New York: Methuen. Kline, P. (1993). The handbook of psychological testing. New York: Routledge. Litwin, M. S. (1995). How to measure survey reliability and validity. London: Sage. Loewenthal, K. M. (2001). An introduction to psychological tests and scales. Hove: Psychology press . Rubin, H. R., Gandek, B., Rogers, W. H. (1993. Patients’ ratings of outpatient visits in different practice settings: Results from the medical outcomes study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 270, 835-840. Vehkalahti, K. (2000) Reliability of Measurement Scales. Retrived November 18, 2009, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Greece :: essays research papers

Art & Culture There are few places in the world with so rich and diverse an artistic and cultural history as Greece. In terms of archeology there are artifacts that are 200,000 years old, while architecturally Greece boasts Minoan and Dorian ruins dating back almost four millennia. Greece is also where drama originated, so there are plenty of ancient theatres to pick your way through Museums Greece is bursting at the seams with museums. Almost every single city, town, village, historical site, settlement and hole in the hedge has an archeological museum which details the archeological and historical significance of its surroundings Historical Sites There is certainly no shortage of these in Greece. Every city has their own specialties, like the Acropolis and the Ancient Agora in Athens, the Oracle at Delphi, the Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes Town, and so on. There are far too many to list here. It is suggested you get hold of a tourist map from the Greek Tourist Organization (EOT) which sets out all the ancient, Byzantine and medieval sites throughout the country. But some of the major historical sites you should make a special effort to see are listed below: The Acropolis, Athens The Ancient Agora, Athens The Byzantine monument of Nea Msni on Chios The Polycrates Wall and Eupalinos Tunnel at Pithagorio, Samos The Oracle at Delphi The Minoan palace city of Knossos, Crete The ruins of Gsrtyn, Crete Minoan ruined city at Phestss, Crete Arch of Galerius, Thessalon?ki The White Tower, Thessalon?ki The Sanctuary of Isis, at D?on. Dafn? Monastery, Greece’s largest Byzantine monastery Met?ora Monasteries, perched on mountain outcrops, in Kalabaka Climate Greece is perfect for those who enjoy the sun, as for over two thirds of the year the country basks under clear, sunny skies. Temperatures do vary, however. Winters are mild and rainy, with temperatures sometimes dropping to freezing point, especially in the north. Summers are long and dry, with extremes of 37Â °C (99Â °F), making the yearly mean temperature about 17Â °C (63Â °F). For those not overly fond of the heat, the mountainous areas offer some respite as they receive more rain in summer, and even snow in winter. Rainfall figures vary, depending on the region. Thessaly is very dry, receiving around 38mm (1.5in). Portions of the western coast paint a different picture, however, receiving about 1,270mm (50in) of rain. Greece can be divided into the northern and southern climatic regions: Greece :: essays research papers Art & Culture There are few places in the world with so rich and diverse an artistic and cultural history as Greece. In terms of archeology there are artifacts that are 200,000 years old, while architecturally Greece boasts Minoan and Dorian ruins dating back almost four millennia. Greece is also where drama originated, so there are plenty of ancient theatres to pick your way through Museums Greece is bursting at the seams with museums. Almost every single city, town, village, historical site, settlement and hole in the hedge has an archeological museum which details the archeological and historical significance of its surroundings Historical Sites There is certainly no shortage of these in Greece. Every city has their own specialties, like the Acropolis and the Ancient Agora in Athens, the Oracle at Delphi, the Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes Town, and so on. There are far too many to list here. It is suggested you get hold of a tourist map from the Greek Tourist Organization (EOT) which sets out all the ancient, Byzantine and medieval sites throughout the country. But some of the major historical sites you should make a special effort to see are listed below: The Acropolis, Athens The Ancient Agora, Athens The Byzantine monument of Nea Msni on Chios The Polycrates Wall and Eupalinos Tunnel at Pithagorio, Samos The Oracle at Delphi The Minoan palace city of Knossos, Crete The ruins of Gsrtyn, Crete Minoan ruined city at Phestss, Crete Arch of Galerius, Thessalon?ki The White Tower, Thessalon?ki The Sanctuary of Isis, at D?on. Dafn? Monastery, Greece’s largest Byzantine monastery Met?ora Monasteries, perched on mountain outcrops, in Kalabaka Climate Greece is perfect for those who enjoy the sun, as for over two thirds of the year the country basks under clear, sunny skies. Temperatures do vary, however. Winters are mild and rainy, with temperatures sometimes dropping to freezing point, especially in the north. Summers are long and dry, with extremes of 37Â °C (99Â °F), making the yearly mean temperature about 17Â °C (63Â °F). For those not overly fond of the heat, the mountainous areas offer some respite as they receive more rain in summer, and even snow in winter. Rainfall figures vary, depending on the region. Thessaly is very dry, receiving around 38mm (1.5in). Portions of the western coast paint a different picture, however, receiving about 1,270mm (50in) of rain. Greece can be divided into the northern and southern climatic regions:

Friday, July 19, 2019

Francis Bacons Scientifically Revolutionary Utopia Essay -- essays res

Francis Bacon’s Scientifically Revolutionary Utopia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The New Atlantis is a seventeenth century depiction of a utopia by Francis Bacon. In this novel, Francis Bacon continues on More’s utopian ideas. Unlike More, however, Bacon relied on societal change via advancements in science and ones own awareness of his environment rather than through religious reforms or social legislation. The seventeenth century marks a period in history where drastic social change occurred. This change, however, was not as much political or technological but religious. During this time, the introduction of ideas and theories, starting with the renown Galileo and Isaac Newton, spread a wave of enlightenment across Europe as people began to question the teachings and the overall infidelity of the church.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beginning in the seventeenth century Europeans began seeing a shift from the med-evil teachings of the church to a more enlightened scientific world. Although the Catholics were still against science and political democracy, a wave of new Protestants were very progressive. With the Catholic Church becoming aware that it was loosing some of its following to science, it tried desperate measures such as the inquisition where they questioned and tried to get rid of people not committed and devout to the church. Despite these measures, however, the church was basically trying to hold back the tide as a plethora of knowledge began to flow into society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Galileo was born in 1564 in a time where society was very conforming to the teachings of the church. Despite his discoveries, Galileo was very religious though he tied religion and science into his life. Galileo’s great contribution to science was the telescope, however his greater contribution was the gift of awareness and knowledge. Before Galileo, it was generally accepted that the earth was the center of the universe. This was not based upon data or facts, but merely because the church said so. Prior to the seventeenth century, Europe was stuck in the med-evil era of church teachings. With Galileo’s telescope, however, he was able to show that the sun rather than the earth was the center of the universe. Although this new discovery had a large scientific value, it had a larger impact to society on a religious level.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &nb... This is exemplified in the book when the servants and priests refuse to be paid twice for their civil duties. These basic ideas are carried on into the nineteenth century and the period of the enlightenment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the nineteenth century, skepticism about Christianity is formulated and people begin to look for rationality and reasoning behind every day life. Furthermore, the concept of â€Å"tabula rasa† or â€Å"blank slate† is formed and people begin to realize that positions should be filled based on qualifications and skill rather than bloodlines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All in all, Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis is the first of the scientific utopias and his ideas are definitely indicative of seventeenth century and the scientific revolution. Bacon’s ideas for utopia are more realistic than other communistic utopias in that he proposes to satisfy people’s wants for material possessions through scientific advances rather than through coaxing them into higher moral states. Bacon urged his readers to actively seek out this perfect world and in many ways, though not actually occurring, society gravitates towards this ideal in the eighteenth century.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

The short story â€Å"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,† emphasizes the thought that happiness always comes with a price to pay. In the beginning of the story, Ursula K. Le Guin tells the reader of a town or village full of joy and cheerfulness. â€Å"In other streets the music beat faster†¦people were dancing. † (Page 1) She leaves you to imagine the blissful city as you see it. â€Å"Perhaps it would be best if you imagined it as your own fancy bids. † (Page 1) Then she flips the story around and tells how there is a child that is forced to live in a broom closet, in a basement, with no windows. It sits in the corner, on a dirty floor, in its own filth. She writes about how nobody usually comes, except to stare at the child or kick it to get it to stand up. Though all the people of Omelas know it is there, no one ever tries to take the child away from this disgusting place it lives. They all know that â€Å"the beauty of there city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, etc. † (Page 3) all depend on the suffering of this child. If anyone were to bring the child up into the sunlight, they would risk all the happiness and beauty of the city and it would never be the same as it was. She presents a dilemma and forces the reader to choose between the happiness of the child, or the happiness of the whole city of Omelas. This is an allegory for the relationship between the wealthy (eg. Developed countries) and poverty (eg. Developing countries). The wealthy, developed countries (Canada, USA) are represented by the people of Omelas, and the poor, developing countries (Sudan, Somalia) are represented by the child. Without the poor, the wealthy would not have the happiness it does. The citizens of the joyful town benefit from the child being so badly treated because without it, they wouldn’t understand how much better their life is than the child’s. â€Å"They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. † (Page 3) There is a price to pay between the happiness for all at the expense of the child, and the happiness of the child at the expense of the happiness for all. The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas The short story â€Å"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,† emphasizes the thought that happiness always comes with a price to pay. In the beginning of the story, Ursula K. Le Guin tells the reader of a town or village full of joy and cheerfulness. â€Å"In other streets the music beat faster†¦people were dancing. † (Page 1) She leaves you to imagine the blissful city as you see it. â€Å"Perhaps it would be best if you imagined it as your own fancy bids. † (Page 1) Then she flips the story around and tells how there is a child that is forced to live in a broom closet, in a basement, with no windows. It sits in the corner, on a dirty floor, in its own filth. She writes about how nobody usually comes, except to stare at the child or kick it to get it to stand up. Though all the people of Omelas know it is there, no one ever tries to take the child away from this disgusting place it lives. They all know that â€Å"the beauty of there city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, etc. † (Page 3) all depend on the suffering of this child. If anyone were to bring the child up into the sunlight, they would risk all the happiness and beauty of the city and it would never be the same as it was. She presents a dilemma and forces the reader to choose between the happiness of the child, or the happiness of the whole city of Omelas. This is an allegory for the relationship between the wealthy (eg. Developed countries) and poverty (eg. Developing countries). The wealthy, developed countries (Canada, USA) are represented by the people of Omelas, and the poor, developing countries (Sudan, Somalia) are represented by the child. Without the poor, the wealthy would not have the happiness it does. The citizens of the joyful town benefit from the child being so badly treated because without it, they wouldn’t understand how much better their life is than the child’s. â€Å"They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. † (Page 3) There is a price to pay between the happiness for all at the expense of the child, and the happiness of the child at the expense of the happiness for all.

Frankenstein Essay

Within the study of Mary Shelleys, Frankenstein, we meet a temperament who comes head on with the advancements of science and the organic evolution of opus. maestro Frankenstein is obsessed with the idea of creating brio. He struggles with his admit intelligence and the morality of the auberge around him. He is continuously bothered by the accepted laws of nature. The meaning of his tale, sine qua non was too potent, and her immutable laws had appointive my state and terrible destruction he lastly realizes that his efforts to create and sustain life were no match for the powers of nature.It is upon returning to school afterward the near death of Elizabeth and the death of his induce that he becomes obsessed with creating life. passkey makes the statement I will pioneer a brand-new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation. (pg 33) This after audition a lecture of modern interpersonal chemistry by Professor M. Waldman. Ov er a period of time victor poised a series of body move from graveyards to assemble in a new human form. With his knowledge of chemistry, biology and material body he reanimated his creation into an eighter from Decatur- grounding monster.After bringing life to his eight foot creation, master copy realizes he should not have gone against the laws of nature. Victor is horror-struck to realize his creation has murdered his fellow William. Victor cannot explain his creation and its wickedness to his family without them thinking he is mentally ill. Victor nearly goes mad with the realization that because of his creature, his brother is killed. Falsely accused of Williamss murder, Justine is kill after hard evidence unfolds upon her. Because of his arrested development of creating life, he has interpreted life away.In his depression, Victor decides that his creature must be found and destroyed. Natures Laws should not have been toyed with. Victor sets out on an expedition in t he mountains and finds the monster. To his surprise the monster seems to be reasoned and refined, but the monster has resentment of Victor for having been sent out on his own with no one to teach or nurture him. It was because of the monsters resentment that ultimately William and Justine were killed.Victors scientific ambition consumed his life. To go against the Law of Nature to prove that man can create life. Mental and bodily setbacks plagued Victor while dealing with the macrocosm of his creation. He suffers because his passion for creating life has taken away those around him that he loved. The significance of his statement, Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction he finally realizes that his efforts to create and sustain life were no match for the powers of nature.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ingsoc-Totalitarian Gov.

Ana Ortiz Honors English 10 Per. 5 February 27, 2013 Ingsoc Totalitarian governing 1984 Communism has been a part of the earth for a very long succession causing the harsh suffering of hatful in regions, such as Cuba. sooner than help a nation, Communism harms the inhabitants who rifle in the nation by dint of the mental picture that it bring, by lending itself to becoming a communist- nubistic presidential term. A communistic authorities has a high chance of becoming totalitarian and being over control by a mathematical pigeonholing or dictator, whom will endure tout ensemble authority and right do to what he pleases.Socialism, being a type of regimen in which the government takes c be of the industrialization differs from a communistic-totalitarian government. A communist-totalitarian government has total control over every, whereas a collectivized government just handles the deed of goods and manuf feature items, in other performer the economy. through egress the novel, 1984, the party reveals Ingsoc as their ferment of government. Ingsoc is cerebration to be English socialism in the future exclusively is genuinely quite an the opposite.Underneath this socialist government haves a totalitarian form of government which feeds nonhing merely lies to its people, watches the members of the party very closely, and has foregathered its indicant through rather obvious ways. In the novel, Winston seeks the truth about Oceanias Government and wether or not there ar salubrious people out in this knowledge base, where its inhabitants have all been taught and brainwashed to do as the Government offers. Oceanias Government has be to its people for years, telling them nothing precisely nonsense to hold on them naive and brute about the horrible things that the companionship does.Winston, outright in the hands of a attracter in the society, O Brien, has been tortured for his villainy which, in this time, can be as simple a s thinking that the troupe is corrupt. While being tortured, Winston reflects to himself, A constant of gravitation times better than Winston, he knew what the world was right unspoiledy same, in what degradation the slew of human beings full of lifed and by what lies and barbarities the troupe unplowed them there (Orwell, 216). Winston realizes that OBrien is one of the attracters who keeps Oceania n ignorance and furs the harsh truth because he does not feel that humans are fit to govern. As shown, Oceanias government is all the way totalitarian and communist by definition Communism in its broader centre is a system in which place utilize for the production of goods or operate is owned by a club or group rather than individuals cover that the Party resembles to this, the Party being the group that takes hold of all property and production in Oceania.Socialism is what the Party tries to pass as, but it shows no similarity between the form of government Socialists b elieve that Capitalist union is unjust and aim to eliminate competitor for profit and to attain an equal dispersal of wealth through cooperative means. This shows that Ingsoc is not like Socialism because the Party takes get along control of everything, not deed overing its inhabitants to really have a say in anything that goes on in the country. Winston tries to learn and exhibit the real truth behind the Communist party that has been in rule for as long as he remembers.The frankness is cruel but Ingsoc is very corrupt, the Party, meant to keep the equality in the world is truly dictatorial. The Party keeps all of the population in line at all times, ceremonial occasion every step its people draw through telescreens and takes control of the media being unresolved to Oceania making its Communist factors more visible. Winston feels detain in his own home as well as forced to live by the Partys rules. He does not like to do what they say but does it anyway for he knows w hat pop offs to those who commit crimsontide the simplest thoughtcrime. War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is vividness Always the eyes watching you and the interpreter enveloping you. Asleep or awake, workings or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in bed no escape (Orwell, 26) Winston reveals an act of despotism in this quote because of the fact that the government invades the privacy of everyone at all time. In this time there is no such thing as privacy, the Party is allowed to do as it pleases, displaying similar qualities as a totalitarian government.The Party makes it graceful obvious that it is communist but some of the population is brainwashed in study making it un competent for them to see that dictators overmuch like leaders of the Party hide the truth and destroy the media that can stand a take onst them. Totalitarian dictators aim to transform their citizens thoughts and opinions and reshape expectations. To achieve these goals, the dic tator essential first control the flow of information going away out to the public (Fridell, 54).Being that a dictator would have to control the media is not a surprise because to take full control of a country a dictator must not allow its people to be informed of the truth, in order to block revolts or disputes against the dictator. . Oceanias government, Ingsoc, is clearly a totalitarian government, safekeeping total control of all members of the party. Ingsoc used fairly unusual laws introduced by the informal party to keep the rest of the outmost party members unlettered of everything that was truly going on.In order to keep people ignorant and naive, srict rules and prohibitions are strongly enforced in a totalitarian government ruled by a dictator. The party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the god of others we are interested in solely power. non wealth or luxury or long life or gratification provided power, pure power displays O Briens chat with Winston and reveals the use of the Party and the efforts of Ingsoc, which is to gain complete power over all (Orwell, 217). OBrien explains his view on dictatorship Freedom is a dire panic to dictatorships.With it comes all sorts of possibilities, including thoughtfulness, which can lead to discontent, opposition, even revolution, O Brien, a leader of the party, is for the Party and its hold over everyone else (Orwell, 217. ). He does not want anyone else to think other and keep their faithfulness to the party. The Party was clearly a totalitarian government, hidden by a supposed socialist government. Lastly, Ingsoc is clearly distinguished as totalitarian rather than socialism because the factors that make up Ingsoc that are so closely associate to a totalitarian government.The similarities between totalitarian government and Ingsoc are obvious. The Party in the novel prohibits anyone from thinking about anything that is not about the Party itself as weve seen it happe n before in history In Europe, totalitarian states have trampled on poverty-stricken expression and appropriated the myths and rituals of art to serve their autocratic ends (Holden). Another quote shows the effect of a communist government which also resembles to Ingsoc and the make do that the Party has over the people of Oceania The Communist Party was my Nurse Ratched, telling me what I could and could not do what I as or was not allowed to say where I was and was not allowed to go even who I was and was not (Forman). Clearly, the similarities between communism, totalitarianism, and the Ingsoc government of Oceania are shown in the quotes above. As O Brien admits to Winston that the only when goal for Ingsoc and the Party is to have complete control over Oceania, Winston is finally fitting to see with complete clarity what he had known from the start Ingsoc is truly totalitarian. Its only goal is to gain complete control, even if large amounts of torture were needed to gain control of just one being.Throughout the novel, the Party shows its true goals to keep everyone naive, enough to prevent revolution or disputes against the government from happening. Winston is able to see that the Party is nothing like it says it truly is, but is something completely different. Ingsoc is actually a communist and totalitarian government, which is very obvious to anyone with good perception. Works Cited Communism. Vol. 5. Chicago, Illinois Ferguson, 2000. Print. naked Standard Encyclopedia. Forman, Milos. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Obama the Socialist? not Even Close. The New York Times.The New York Times, 11 July 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Fridell, Ron. Dictatorship. Tarrytown, New York Michelle Bisson, 2008. Print. Holden, Stephen. Facing the endanger of Totalitarianism. The New York Times. The New York Times, 02 Oct. 1996. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. McDonald, Mark. Did the U. S. lose Ho Chi Minh to Communism? The New York Times. N. p. , 28 Aug. 2012. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Orwell, George. 1984. Austin, Texas Holt, Rineheart Winston, 1949. Print. Socialism. Vol. 5. Chicago, Illinois Ferguson, 2000. Print. New Standard Encyclopedia.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.â€Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for all†. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).

Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipher’s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says â€Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world†.

Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesse’ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. †Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the father’ business, â€Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the society’s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.

com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their God’s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heart† 2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paul’s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.

Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real – time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.

Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.

In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.

They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Luke’s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as â€Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombs’. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mind† (Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world†. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.

Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? â€Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the window† 2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.

It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says â€Å"if you love me prove it by making love to me† Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says â€Å"you are God’s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroy†.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that †Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornication†¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sex†. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.

great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say â€Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which God’s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still God’s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.

To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, â€Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke wool† (Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, â€Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.